About The Map You start off as a normal spartan or elite pedestrian in a big city filled with shops. In these shops you get to pick out your guns armor abilities and vehicles. You can also go clubbing in this city and get high but the special drug effects only last for awhile. Now most people like to hang around the streets in the city but if you ever get bored you can just get a vehicle and drive or fly into the wilderness. The wilderness is big and mostly where wars happen. In the wilderness there are two bases(UNSC,Elite) these two bases are always at war so they also make a good big team battle game or capture the flag game. If you happen to die anywhere there is no problem, youll just be sent and wake up in the hospital, but dont stay in the hospital too long or you just end up dying there. Try also not to end up in prison cuz its pretty hard to break out. Summary Reach RPG is one of the best RPG maps for halo ever. This map has everything an RPG needs and deserves. I recommend you use the custom game type i provided you with but this map can also be greatly play through slayer, CTF, Invasion, and more. Please just have fun this is the whole point of this map, its time for you to Role Play! Some Photos Weapon Shop Automobile Store Airport Clubing UNSC FORT
I think Oli is asking, how do you play the map? RPGs generally have storylines, and comprehensive rules that must be followed. We don't see any of that in your post. Giving us that information will be beneficial to everyone, or else people will download the map and not have a clue what to do with it, or simply won't download the map at all.
Feedback Im sorry this is only my second map and the first wan in halo 3 im kinda new to this. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I love to hear feed back [br][/br]Edited by merge: This is my first map really and I would like your honest opinion on how I did
I recommend looking at this for possible rules to your RPG game. In this post it explains what to and what not to do. It should help out.
it looks cool, fairly clean forging but nothing too exciting. what i think everyone is trying to say that they dont like the open-ended-ness of this map, like RPGs are cool but they want a set of goals or something. cause if i get a party on xbox live, they'll be down for something interesting/intriguing/abstract, but hanging out in a virtual city is a hard sell point. anyways, looks good and keep making maps, interested to see any other rpg stuff since i dont think ive really seen it here before.
You are totally right i dont like it when so many parts of the map are opened out but the theme was that the whole open area was a wilderness.
well, i was talking about openess in the sense of goals/objectives, the natural forgeworld environment (at least in my opinion) can be really cool when used properly. what im saying is, like even if i had 16 people how would you do the rpg? cause with the 'war' area where killing is encouraged, but a non war area that supposed to be more rpg, it sounds like itd just end up being people killing eachother everywhere. i think a more definite story would work better. maybe a custom gametype with some honor rules or something? anyways, like i said it does look good, so i could be wrong.
What I think he is trying to accomplish is that the players on the game decide what is what. Whether it is the whole world falling into chaos, or a peaceful life in the civilized areas. A specific storyline and honor rules would be ok for a few weeks, but when people start replaying them, it would get very boring and eventually, people would stop playing. The unique part about this is that every game, every match on this map is different.
true, i think you have a point. if you could get the people to go along with it, it could be pretty fun. anyways ive never played an rpg before over xbox live, does it work well?
It works really well for me and some of my friends over xbox live but I think you should try the map and be the real judge
Meh, the map's okay, like has been said, nothing too exciting. In RPGs there's usually a set of rules (things you can and can't do) along with some sort of storyline you have to follow. Theres none of that here. I really can't see how you can call this an RPG, its juts a map with a couple of bases, a club and a few veihcle depots that you can explore. Doesn't seem very appealing to me personally. For an aesthetic map the forging isn't too great either - you have a lot of builings with big empty spaces. I don't think its a good idea to post the first map you ever make in reach, get a bit of practice in and take a few ideas from good community maps first.
Maybe add a set of 2 rounds where an elite invasion is coming and the city has time to prepare. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Eh me and my friends do a little RPG type thing on Forge and it works out well. If you want to have a good RPG map ur probably gonna need a mic. You can't roleplay without a voice, unless your character has no mouth or something. Also, let the citizens decide what belongs in the city. First u can go into forge or something and build a city, give each player a plot of land and they can build whatever. Then go into customs and act it out.