Insane Gametype Questions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by b0anerges, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a Insane Gametype question and since we don't have a place for them I thought I'd start a thread that all questions can go under instead of just mine.

    So here's my problem.
    I'm converting my FIFA Stadium map over to support the new (and awesome!) Insane Gametype. I've got about everything done, but I can't get the flaming skulls to work when you score a goal. The noise is there, but not the skulls. I've tried both Goal_Noise, and Goal_Noise_Maker and they both don't work.

    If anybody's got an answer to this problem let me know. It would be much appreciated!
  2. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    I found out the way that works.. So far I havent found other that "Goal_Noise" doesnt do anything. So your "HB_Goal" is set to the right team correct? and then the spawn sequence is how many points that is.. for the skulls, its the "Goal_Noise_Maker" which the skulls come out and they have to be set to the same team and sequence for that to happen.

    As long as your making this, I found another issue while testing this stuff out, is that you can and cannot use another object to score.. but you HAVE to have the Ball_Spawn_Loc" on the map, because it is a requirement of that gametype.. but while having that on the map (you could spawn it away from the map) you can use any object labeled "Skee_Ball_Object" to use as a scoring object

    Add: Found out that vehicles and weapons also work with the "Skee_Ball_Object" and will disappear and reset after you score them (resets right away depending on the respawn settings)
    #2 cj822, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  3. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
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    You Sir, are my hero. I actually figured it out about 5 minutes after you responded, but the other information you gave us...well now my mind is in overload with all the possibilities. My Soccer Stadium is finished now, I just need to do some play testing.

    Thanks again!
  4. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    what is the Insane Gametype and where can I get it?
  5. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    Your welcome, mine is too.. too bad some of these features you cant have on invasion, I think they should do that.

    Bungie's Jeremiah fileshare --

    The one we're talking about is the HaloBall/Hockey gametype (just about the same)
    #5 cj822, Mar 31, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    You can also save them from your recent games in action sack.
  7. b0anerges

    b0anerges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I found another interesting thing. The skulls that come out of the noise maker have physical properties. In other words, they can trigger landmines. Might come in useful.
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Played halo ball and standing at goal a thing came up "Hold X to pickup skull" i didn't react in time or get anther chance to do it but might be something interesting.
  9. Can someone explain to me how each of these gametypes work? I have just downloaded them, and have no clue on how they work. Concluding that I didn't go in game and look at their properties.

    On a miscellaneous note, are there more of these gametypes? If so can someone post the links? Sorry if I ask too much, but are there any recommended maps that uses these gametypes? I have played Chess and know how it works, but I haven't played the others.

    Thanks in advance.
  10. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Man, I spent ages messing around with those skulls to see if they would react with anything. I can't believe I didn't spot this! Nice find dude.
  11. ItsFriskyDingo

    ItsFriskyDingo Forerunner

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    can someone please help me?, im making an insane gametype and i want to make it so when i go through the teleporter i get a point, so i put 2 hill marker ontop of the teleporter set the teams blue and read and made gametype label HB_GOAL. and then when i play the game it has a 1 ontop of the teleporter but i still cant get a point.

    GsRREAPERxFS Forerunner

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    I this isnt answered for you or you need other help on it add me i know the insane gametype like the back off my hand
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You need something that counts as a scoring object. It sounds like you have goals but no halo balls or skee ball objects. If you want a player to do it, there are only a few ways that I know of - a weapon, a grenade, or an armor ability. If the player has any one of those that is tagged as a skee ball object, then it should score a point (and vanish from the player, FYI) when they go into a goal area. If you want to be absolutely sure the player will have this item, start them with no armor ability and spawn them right on top of one tagged in this manner. As for how they get a new armor ability after scoring, you're on your own.

    EDIT - I just noticed, it also sounds like you have a single sender with both red and blue goals stacked on the same receiver. That's probably not going to work. All scoring objects are neutral and hitting a goal for either team will make them disappear. If you go through that sender with a scoring object, it's probably going to score a point for one team or the other (randomly or arbitrarily determined) rather than your specific team color. Or it might score a point for both teams. What it won't do is what I think you want it to do - score a point for your specific team color.
    #13 Nutduster, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  14. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    I tried doing this with grenades, but they seem to lose their label as they aren't carried on the player like armor abilities or weapons, instead, they just disappear until thrown. Am I right, or just doing it wrong?
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Probably not. I was just speculating about that. I think they do retain the label when thrown (because someone based a minigame on it that I saw) but you may be right that they are basically non-existent when the player is carrying them.
  16. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    We really need Invasion and Insane FAQs.
  17. ItsFriskyDingo

    ItsFriskyDingo Forerunner

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    thankyouuuuu so much i have finally completed my map at last : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details
  18. Dooooommm

    Dooooommm Forerunner

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    doomball help

    where are these game types on the game type list. i made Doomball and need a scoring mech. Where is this haloball located in the game type list(insame game type) these are not on my reach game.

    Edited by merge:

    i have a map here is a link to see a vid of it.

    Doomball on halo - YouTube

    I need help withth e scoring objects. I have tried to put a hb_ball_loc on the map and then use different types of balls for skeeball-obj( scooer ball, golf ball, kill ball) i also have put forcefields as goal ;nothing, flags as goal ;nothing what can i do. I love using the kill balls as balls.

    here is one map to look at, please help. : Halo Reach : File Details
    #18 Dooooommm, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011

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