Download Link, map is also on his fileshare called "so bored". Proof: YouTube - Halo: Reach - Fails of the Weak Volume 28! (Funny Bloopers and Surprises!) Skip to 2:31 Discuss. I haven't tried it myself, so it could easily be a joke, but everyone is saying its legit. If its legit, we might be able to make some cool gametypes if there is labels.
It's not a joke. It's a new gametype. When it's your turn you are a monitor and choose which figure to move. It's an Insane gametype by the way. You need another person to play it properly though, so I could not get a game going as I went in the game by myself. There are options for Turn Time, Rook traits, Pawn Traits, and Knight traits, if I recall correctly. This gametype is just further proof that Bungie can do so much with new gametypes. VIP better come in the future.
I believed the second poster thinking it was just an April fools joke, but it was an April fools gift, I love Bungie so much more for this!
No. You go into custom games and play the gametype on the map with one other person. Here, someone uploaded a video: YouTube - Chess In Halo: Reach!
Yes, they did. But since that video was releasEd on April Fool's Day, I'm guessing they thought it would be funny to release the actual gametype. There were some glitches when I played though. When you actually kill the enemy's King, nothing happens. He just sort of dies.
Still the best version of chess I've ever seen in an FPS!! I love how Bungie keeps giving out all these game types! I'm shocked when I see DLC packs for game types in other games and Bungie's giving stuff away for free Something which I think is greatly overlooked but a lot of people who will still complain about the only time we got something for free was Cold Storage
The fact that it's real is the joke. Never saw that coming, did you? yeah, there are some glitches. It takes some honor rules to play properly. Another one is that you don't actually have to move to the space occupied by a piece you just killed.
the link in the OP works but you have to click 'view at your own risk' also... who is the Spartan Bishop and why the hell didn't they use Jorge?
I thought it was just someone making a crap chess map and using the April fools joke to advertise there map for free downloads and other people where going along with it for the lol's. Would be cool to have chess in halo though.