Hey, I have recently made a map using everything everyone suggested me to do. 1. Not as much grey. I tried more to incorporate nature into this map. Like rocks and stuff will be your cover. (Like Hemorrhage) 2. Try a Big Team Battle Map. I made this map bigger than what Im used too. I think it turned out really well. 3. Have different passage ways to the Bases. I have done this and there are a ton of different ways to get to each base. 4. Put more thought into the Bases. I have done this and it took me a while to come up with this design. 5. Not as many power weapon. This was an easy one. Weapon Count- 4 DMRS 2 Grenade Launchers 2 Assault Rifles 1 Sniper 1 Rocket (The Sniper and Rocket are both equally placed in the map, so both teams have a chance to get them) When I played this with friends, I thought it played well. I blocked off the mountain with kill zones. If you go up high enough or on the ledge you die instantly. Trust me I've tried soft kill zones but people always find a way out of them. Same goes with the wall. The reason why I did this is people would take the sniper and jet pack up on the mountain or on the wall and snipe you. And trust me it got annoying since you got sniped every 5 seconds. That's because if your on the top of the mountain you can see everyone (unless in your base)But don't worry, you actually have to try to get to the spots to die. Initial Load Out Camera Blue Base Red Base Overview Warthog driving by 2 rock walls Download it and tell me what you think, Thanks!
For your killzone problem, i would try simply creating a safe zone, so that way no matter how far they go they wont be able to escape the kill area that the safe area presets. For example just have a soft safe area around the field and everything else will become a soft kill zone so they can't escape that killzone.
Thanks for the comment. But there is a problem to that. I have put safe zones. But they overlap the mountain. And I don't want to delete all of the safe zone, so i put a kill zone there.
Unfortunatly I have a semi-working xbox ATM. Otherwise I'd DL and let you know how it plays. But from what I can see, this has potential for a BTB map. I like how you constructed the bases in a way I haven't seen before. But if you don't mind me giving you some advice, I suggest you make more structures for people to go into/walk on. So that way you don't have like 12 guys running around in the open. Other than that this map, like I said, has potential.
Thanks for the comment. And I will try to add structures in the middle area. As I said before I took a risk to just to make nature as cover (the rocks) like hemorrhage
looks too simple. but it looks well forged. And the gameplay should be good on it, im sure. I give it an 8/10
Great map idea and way to push outside of your comfort zone. My thought on this though was that since "red base" resides after a choke point (the rocks make a bottleneck also know in military world as a fatal funnel) there should be a walkway of some kind around the waterside rock in order to negate this due to the fact that blue base is wickedly open(and downhill).
Thanks everyone for the comments. The gameplay is good on it, but I have found the red base to have many more ways to get to it than the blue base. The Blues base is water plus 1 side of it. That makes 3 sides you can get to it. But the red base has an advantage because of the hill, but there are many more ways to get to the base. Like you can go around to the backside, the rock tunnel, the front side, in between the rocks and many more. But yeah I see your point. Thanks for the comments everyone!