I've recently become more and more enthralled with Halo Reach's forge, and my latest hobby has been recreating halo 3 maps for me and my friends. The more I've done this the more I've strived to make my maps as accurate as possible to the original. This is my biggest challenge because I can't find any top down or pictorial views of the maps from Halo 3 on google images, and I have done a forum search but I can't get the results page to load properly. If anybody knows a site, or thread that holds screenshots of all (or at least most) of Halo 3 maps I would appreciate it if they linked me. Thank you for reading. (if this belongs in a different section I apologize)
Just change it to a weapon like Firebomb grenades and all the red will go away and leave you with an overhead of each map.
right I know about this but I also need some topdown and pictorial views of specific parts of the map, i.e. Valhalla's bases. If such screenshots don't exist i might consider making my own.
Load the things up and take whatever pics you need. It honestly couldn't be any easier to get what you need.