Food Court supports both objective and slayer game types. All the spawning kinks still need to be worked out, If anyones up for it ill be on later tonight. As for weapons theres the usual dmr laying around, a rocket and grenade launcher, as well as a shotgun and sniper rifle. Here she is, let me know what yall think. Initial Spawn Outside Lobby Upper and Lower Food Court Quick Walkthrough Vid <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
This looks cool, from the very few screenshots, it looks like an interesting map to play on. You might want to think about posting more screenshots seeing as everyone wants a good view of the map and its features. Also, I cannot stress how important it is to have a THUMBNAIL IMAGE!. I have seen many people who don't put one up for some reason. If you don't know how, go to "Edit post", "Advanced" Then find where it says Thumbnail IMG and copy a good pic of the map in there so that way you can catch peoples attention. Also, get a list of weapons. Otherwise it looks great. Welcome to Forgehub.
looks good I'll download and take a better look [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok I took a look, my only criticism is that there is very little cover on the second floor in a lot of places. I did really like the map though, especially the openings made with columns good work!
Thanks for the feedback. yeah its a little bare up top, ill probably run those bottom pillars up through the second floor. I havn't done any testing and im not to familliar with neutral respawn points. I wanna throw some out there but dont want it to affect the objective based games. Oh yeah if anyone has any ideas about another way to access the second floor in the rear it could help spread things out a bit. I thought about putting in an elevator shaft with teleporters, but it doesn't really fit well with the layout. Ill try and make a few adjustments, i already know blue teams missing a capture and flag stand, but i should have a refreshed copy up this afternoon.
Have you thought about a shield one way "elevator" in order to reach the second floor? What you do is take a two way shield set it up long ways and then place a one way shield perpendicular at about chest height and another just below the second floor.
The first picture you show if you move the health pack onto the wall next to it on the right(the Block 5X5) and put a crate or box where the health pack used to be. Do that on both sides and it makes the Second floor more acess able for the intal spawns. Really like the it awesome. P.S. I was wondering if you would like to help me with a map Sometime. If so send me a friend request my Gamertag is : JPeazer
Just posted refreshed map, made a few cosmetic changes and added teleporters for second floor access. Overall I think its ready to go. Thanks for the suggestions, that shield door elevator sounds interesting ill have to give it a try. Jpeazer I should be on later tonight for the TGIF, gotta pick up a new Mic though first, ill send you a friend request so we can do some building. Sorry if i havent gotten around to posting on anyones threads ive been constantly feeding the addiction.