I'm really pleased with this map. Not only did I spend a few hours moving the entire thing from floating within the canyon to floating up in the sky to make use of the soft ceiling, but I also used a clever trick so all coloured pieces are set up to always be the correct colour. Even when playing multiple rounds, the coloured pieces surrounding you when you spawn will always match your team colour So that's awesome. I'll let you ogle at some screenshots while I get back to setting up the rest of the gametypes so I can finally post a finished map [Note: That green guy didn't initially spawn there, thats why he's surrounded by blue pieces. Map not borked, k?]
I'd suggest another name, because Highrise made me think of a call of duty remake... But the map looks pretty solid otherwise, You don't see many 4 way symmetrical maps. And can I suggest getting rid of the crates? I really hate the clash of forerunner, UNSC and Covie...