i am a colonol grade 3 almost brigidier, but i got gta 4 a few days ago and have been playing that probably will get back to reach in a few days
I'm a Commander Grade 3, I play a lot of BTB and Invasion, and until I got Betrayal booted like 4 times in a row --(Don't even get me started on the crappy betrayal system. If you see I have the rocket launcher, don't go near an enemy, because I'm going to use it >.<. Also, Heres an Idea, don't fly in front of me when I'm trying to take out an enemy banshee, hmm?)-- I was getting consistent Slot machine scores of 500+ with frequent jackpots of 1000 or more, and I even got the 7777 jackpot a few times. Mostly though, I find Sniper Attack on Outpost to be the most rewarding. I can finish a game in about 7 minutes or so, and make usually no less than 2k, compared to the 2-3k I make from 20 minutes of invasion. In other words, you gain more credits per minute with sniper attack than with Invasion. BTB is good too, especially when network errors on the other team cause a gross disadvantage to your opponents. Of course, if you're smart, you can utilize that disadvantage when it happens to you, and camp with a sniper, hiding and racking up kills until the game is over. It's pretty gratifying when you beat a team 50-10 and it 2 on 8.
comander grade 3 and i look exactly like the armory guy, (the little guy that you see when you go to select armory and loiter over without pressing the button)
That would be fritzster, he made the original foundry MLG maps. Namely Amplified and Regicide; http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-3-discussion/61730-amplified-regicide-bungie-atlas.html
Frizster forged a lot of amazing MLG maps in Halo 3. If you've ever watched or played MLG, you've more likely seen one of his maps. BTW, I'm a field marshall.
I'm about 10 credits off Brigadier grade 2 right now. I'd be at least a General Grade 2 if I didn't keep buying new games.
I'm currently a General. I play a pretty wide swath of games depending on mood and the current daily challenges, but I'd say my favorites are Big Team Battle, Team Slayer, and a little bit of SWAT, and Firefight/Score Attack here and there too. I used to love team objective back in Halo 3, but the mix of gametypes and maps they have in that playlist in Reach don't appeal to me much. I also like team doubles (or whatever it's currently called) but playing it with randoms isn't that fun, and nobody on my current friends list does a lot of matchmaking. (Most of them are primarily forgers or have moved on to other games.)
I am almost a Field Marshall I play almost everything, but my favorite playlists are BTB, Invasion and Snipers (+ Classic Playlist when it comes out). I think I would have many more credits rolling in if I actually had more friends that play Reach these days.
I don't play much MLG, and I didn't stick around on Halo 3 long enough to see many of the better maps created, so I guess that explains it.
About 200k credits into Hero. I've been getting tons of credits each match. Especially in the DLC playlists which seem to give you a high match complete bonus than other playlists. I've played Multi-Team the most so far, but after they've changed it to 3vs3vs3vs3 I pretty much played it again. Especially not now that everybody votes for Rocket Hog Race for some reason.
Legend. big team, team slayer, grifball, score attack, multiteam.... a lot of classic the past few days