I only have one paintball welt on my left tricep. The team grif and I were on went 3-0-3 (w-l-t). We won 1 of the two CTF rounds, both of the defensive rounds (assaulting and defending), we tied the deathmatches.
YouTube - Beyond Birthday-Funny Farm (Read Description) [br][/br]Edited by merge: Are we not allowed to embrace the different cultures that reside upon our planet? [br][/br]Edited by merge:
Sargeは英語以外の言語を話すことができない、彼はプリフォームできない感じです義務を我々は英語で話すしない場合は、司会者として。 Sarge is xenophobic can't speak any other language than English and feels he can't preform is duties as a moderator if we don't speak in English.