EPITAPH PLASMA (with map pack)This is my first map post on here so bare with me. ihave a few more maps on the way butthis 1 i decided to post so that i can make sure i do everything right. thanx. Maybe try the map b4 you put it down... the plasmasmay not make epitaph match the other maps but it sure makes it better. btw dont forget about the rest of the maps in the map pack! Anybody like me and not so much the fan of spiker nades? Im sure not all of you think that but this is a map for those who are like me. Its a very simple map... its the same old epitaph with a new feel. i have switched out all of the spike nade for plasmas and with a few games i found that i like the map much better. i hope you enjoy it too. please dont say that this took no skill or this is retarded. b/c i made it for my own use and b/c i liked it i decided to let you guys have it for yourself. DOWNLOAD: epitaph http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34706155 last resort http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34706328 high grounds http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34706216 isolation http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34706475 Here are some pics. altho i dont think you really need them. pic 1 http://x98.xanga.com/a1dc567479c31188413072/m144811153.jpg pic 2 http://x42.xanga.com/a44c4271d6330188413064/m144811146.jpg Any comments will be greatly apriciated. also any suggestions on other makes of these typesof maps... i plan to make every map like this with the oposite type of nades and post it as a forum ifi can... any1 who can give me info on how to do that would be a great help. FILESHARE http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=Vendetta814
Hi, welcome to Forgehub! The title of your thread can only be the name of your map or map pack, so please change it by going to Edit, then Go Advanced.
ya. i dont like it all that much but its much better with plasmas and i acually play it in custom games now. how do you edit the nam? please let me know.
Couple things: 1. Good job following the post format. A couple more pics would be nice, but I'll let you go there. 2. Forgehub isn't really a place for posting changes in weapons, equipment, etc. People generally like to see whole new maps. You don't have to use foundry, you can still use Epitaph (blech), but you pretty much need some sort of chage in structure to get any downloads. 3. Of all the maps to switch weapons n' stuff on, why did you have to choose Bungie's worst idea in their whole existence. I will never download anything made on Epitaph just cause it's that bad, maybe I'm just prejudiced but many probably feel the same way.
yeah... this is probably why bungie gave us forge. just to minorly change stuff to suit our liking. then they saw all the stuff we did without immovable objects, so they give us foundry. but you just minorly tweaked it, which makes a big difference in gameplay. good job... for doing stuff that will help us, but everybody thought it was a waste of time.
thanx for the input. i know that no1 like that and isolation but istill decided to put it on here just incase and thats why i put the whole map pack on. i know that people want whole new maps but this was just a side project not to get downloads all that much but for just some people to have the coice there for them. once agian thanx for the imput.
thax. it didnt take so much time so i dont feel its wasted. i hope that wasnt all sarcasm btw. thanxfor the reply.
Well most people hate Epitaph because of team doubles. With more people, it's actually a really fun map. I'm sure this would be a fun map with a lot of people
what is this? Epitaph with just Plasma Garnades? I say CATASTROPHIC PHAILZORS in yor facez. Im Firin Mah Lazer at this map Grif: Calm down, have some coffee.
no. its just plasmas in place of spike nades. cause i foundthat alot of people that i play with dont very much like spike nades.
Is all you did was change the spike grenades to plasmas, I know you like plasmas better, but some levels atmosphere just feel better with spike grenades, like isolation. But hey welcome to forgehub, and i hope to see you in the future.
i know the atmosphere may feel a little wierd but if the gameplay can be more fun why not make the eception. thanx for your input btw.