"Time has not decayed this training facility, and yet it still remains a ghost town. 2-8 Players. Supports THROWDOWN." Hello Forgehubbers, I am here to present Departed, my latest competetive map. Taking a heavy influence from Ghost Town, Departed acts not only as a spiritual successor, but as a strong 2v2 and FFA map that stands apart from the map that inspired it. With Departed, I looked at my first real Forgehub creation, Askar District. This was a post-Ghost Merging attempt at a Ghost Town map. It wasn't great, but one thing always stuck in my mind. Askar District opened up many ways to travel around the map, and provided players with more chances to invade a portion of the map. This is something I wanted to recreate in Reach. I went straight to the drawing board, and soon created a layout with many references to Ghost Town. A Greenhouse, a ramped central structure. However, this time I opted for a more circular design of the central structure. Soon. Departed began to develop its own geometry and, after finding the right place in Forge World, I started work on it. This map has been built for Throwdown, and so only supports slayer variants. The next version of the map will have a far larger degree of compatibility. As mentioned before, I put a lot of consideration into how players moved around Departed. With Ghost Town, I found myself jumping around rather than walking. Departed builds on this. For every strong position of the map, there are multiple pathways leading to it, and many structures can be accessed by a series of tactical jumps, which are simple to master. With Throwdown not using Armor Abilities as default, I thought it was important that a skilled player be able to escape without the use of Sprintng or Evading. With Departed, you can give your opponents the slip with ease once you are familiar with the map. I have had great fun testing this map, and the feedback has given me a chance to improve the map in ways I wouldn't have usually done. TL;DR It's like Ghost Town, but not. A lot of player movement. I have an egocentric method of naming maps. Anyway, PICS! The Loadout screen. Red team spawn behind his picture. Just left of the Loadout screen. Greenhouse on left, Main building to the right. Grenade Launcher Spawn leading into central building. Blue Base, leading into central building. The Greenhouse. A little nod to Ghost Town there Green Mancannon and Rock Garden. Cannon takes you to blue/main bridge. Ledges between Greenhouse and Main building, which can be used for easy traversing. Overview Thanks for Viewing!
After play testing this i found the map to be incredibly enjoyable. I didnt find any problems with the map and was glad that the frame rate lag was resolved. The weopons are well placed and are easy for both teams to get too from spawn. The shotgun being one of the power weopons i found to be relitivly useluss until i discovered i couldent just run at people from anywhere with it, firing it of and yelling at the top of my voice. I actually had to judge on my radarwhen to pop out of cover and charge towords them. I enjoyed that aspect as its the first time i had to do that and it made a nice change. As for layout of the map the tactical jumpes werent used much as i would of hoped but were a nice option if i was stuck in a sticky situation. The hole into the basement was a problem for me as i couldent kill anyone down thier unless they didnt see me as it requirs you to crouch to get in once down the hole and as you know being shot and crouching really dosent work. In conclusion the map was great to play on, weapon placment was good and the layout was good apart from the odd flaw. Either way i recommend ou download this great map!
Great Map! I enjoyed testing very much. I'm glad you finally got this map working perfectly and posted. Definitely downloading the final version.
This map looks nice im gonna download and have fun playing it. The only real problem ki can see is that the blue base looks a bit weaker than the red base but apart from that it looks BEAST!