Yeah i remember turbo or someone making a post about modded conent specifically. Its not completely FH tho,the server hosting has issues with "pirated content" including mods. Thats what i heard anyway The mods are somewhat interesing but still seem more of a gimic than fun.. These guys should get in touch with experienced forger though and combine their efforts. While modders have the tools,they are not map-makers by a long shot and are more interested in breaking the game for the sake of it than anything else. Most of the mods ive seen are just stuff thrown around pointlessly reinforcing that modders are only interested in showing off their ability to find code hidden in the disc.Not dissing mod but they are never really good maps.And if i remember if you forge on a mod all the modded stuff disapears right? If a proper map-maker who understands balancing a map combined with the limitation breaking power of a modder teamed up?The sky would literally be the limit for awesome custom maps
When I saw that frigate my jaw dropped. The snow on valhalla wasnt impressive. The elephants were pretty cool. The only thing that I'd find useful, is maybe the giant ship and the mounted missile pod.
You can forge on modded maps. You can also move things that have been imported (frigates, extra elephants, turrets)- but it's a bit complicated. You have to sort of 'standby' yourself in forge mode, then switch to the guilty spark thing quickly.
Yah I get it, hey carter do you have the frigate they showed in the video? And is there a tutorial of how to move modded objects? If so could you give us a link?
I do but Supa said not to link to modded content. Also this is how you move modded objects.
Where can I get the flying frigate 1 though? I dont like how they r in the sand. also the modded avalanch looks cool. Can't Slig Storm release some?
Thanks dude that's sweet. Admins I'm sorry but quit bitching about thinks and f*ck off about mods. They're for custom games and are a map save therefore they can't affect matchmaking. I have no problem with them.
A little rude, don't you think? The reason we don't allow them is because we are, at the moment, on Bungie's good side. If we decided to let users post these mods, not only would map quality go down, but Bungie would stop referring it's members to us.
>_> Now where did you hear that? That map was a live-stream modded version of Valhalla. All Detox did was a shader swap, not find 'Hidden Bungie Pictures.' Sligstorm is not the 'cool modder guy here'. The Pit mod is Shad0w Lag's and the 'floating' Aegis fate is a edited version of Shad0w's two ground-base Aegis Fates. The other two are maps Sligstorm made and then had resigned and rehashed by an unnamed friend.
I have actually played on snowy valhalla, but i was forge and i was only in the party for about 3-4 mins, IT IS REAL.
No, you didn't. That is a live-stream mod, as in playing directly from his modded version of the map on his dev-kit. Unless you were at his house sitting beside him you could not have played it. @Chipsinabox-I don't get why I this is a bad post, he lied about something and I don't like that even if he was kind-of backing me up. Ohh well, different sites, different standards.
Mods on this sight are annoying. They take this damn game way too seriously. Think about it this is a website all about a game. Pathetic. Loosen up a bit and have some fun.
I'm not lieing, the name of the map was "XBLTEST2". think why would i lie about something so trivial?
I've already told you why it was impossible, the only question here is why you would lie. I'll make it simple, Detox cannot connect to Xbox-Live or even truly sign in on the same piece of hardware he made this on. There is no possible way it can get onto Xbox-Live and if it somehow did only the host would see the snow. I'm not going to say anything more about it after that.
You ever been to the chaos and stupidity that is Thats what FH would be like if everyone thought like you do.(about the mods) Besides FH is completely on bungie's radar,we start allowing mods and other piracted content etc,then were all completely liable and bungie has a nice line up on the map post of who downloaded it what with all the "Lol this map rox my sox i DL nowz!!!!" And the way you phrased that you think this site shouldnt exist exist because its a community site about a game,in which case you can go ahead and leave
ok, just don't post modded maps. there not cool. mods are stupid, nobody ever does anything cool with them. forgehub is for forgers, not hackers. so if it's not made from a forged object, then don't post it. please
Hacking does not equal bad. Don't bastardize the term like the rest of the world. Modding is not stupid, either. You misunderstand my context. I'm pro-modding, but as far as Halo 3 modding goes, we're only in the infancy. These mods are hardly interesting to me. And just because another 'modding sux' debate is coming, let me show this.