Many research compounds like this now lay abandoned..... Tandum is a medium small asymetrical map suited for many gametypes. I recently redid this map with the addition of the structure in the middle. Design and Structure: The idea that I was trying to apply in practice in this map was to have a medium fast paced map that was balanced in principle and play. I also wanted it to be asymetrical. I executed this by using premade buildings in as unique as possible ways in a two floor design. I also used teleporters so that camping was nogh impossible as well as adding an additional route from top to bottom. Since the blue base is higher ground I also added a tunnel route going to and from which greatly enhanced the pace and fairness of the game in objective gametypes. Lastly I placed weapons where they would have multiple roles. For example the shotgun on both sides have multiple roles. They can be used to A. attack the sniper B. defend the base C. Attack the base D. Attack the lower level A few notes: In oddball the teleporters dont work The oddball now spawn in bottom mid In KoTH a ramp appears on red base to acces the hill from two routes YouTube - Tandem Special Thanks All thoughs who playtested DaKleanUp: CoForge ItzInsanityv1: Playtest and feedback ChoasUK: constant stream of ideas HarrisSales1996: For reminding me that if I aint happy with it.. Dont Post IT!
(I DO NOT WANT TO SOUND LIKE A DO0HE) but, playtest BEFORE you post. add more description and pictures.
This is a V2 of the map my friend please read the description. It has been playtested til it told me to quit.
Hey man, my turn to comment! I looked at the video and noticed that you have good cover in some areas but not in others. Haven't played so it might not be a big deal, but it's the first thought i had looking at it. (This of course being what I had to deal with on my last map I may just be over analyzing) Also the glass rails by the sniper looked a little tacky maybe look for a better way to build the wall. Anyway shoot me a friend request on Xbox Live if you need testing help! Oh and yes you are in my Signature... lol. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Could you possibly move the map to a ground area of forge world? I feel like natural terrain could do wonders for the map.