The novel vacancy of this complex seems to welcome curiosity and dominance from invaders. Deathtrap is a re-imagined version of Halo 3's Sandtrap. It's slightly asymmetrical, humunginormous, and tons of fun to play on. Just like its predecessor, the map focuses on intense vehicle and heavy weapon gameplay. It's meant for large-scale team games, though it supports every gametype other than Invasion (Invasion Slayer IS supported, however). That said, if victory is what you seek, then work as a team. A friend in need is a friend, indeed. Overall, the geometry is extremely similar to that of Sandtrap. There are only a few minor differences, such as a gravity lift in the back of blue base and a tunnel that cuts across the bottom of the middle structure. The map was imagined to be Sandtrap before it fell to ruin. Ages before the godforsaken sand transformed it into a place of eerie desolation. WEAPONS ON MAP DMR x 10 Needle Rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Grenade Launcher x 1 Plasma Launcher x 1 Gravity Hammer x 1 Concussion Rifle x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 Spartan Laser x 2 Rocket Launcher x 1 Machine Gun Turret x 2 Frag Grenade x 12 Plasma Grenade x 8 VEHICLES ON MAP Mongoose x 4 Warthog, Default x 2 Revenant x 2 Wraith x 2 (symmetric gametypes only) Shade Turret x 1 Banshee x 1 Unfortunately, the Testers Guild failed to give me feedback on the map. So now, dear community, it is up to you to playtest the heck out of this thing! Before you smash that DL, however, take a gander at these! ...and one for good luck... You're doing it wrong! DOWNLOAD DEATHTRAP Want to know more about the creation of Deathtrap? Development Thread As always, thank you!
man, I always thought a sandtrap remake was impossible. You sir have prooved me wrong, Il dl then put some feedback on it
Ooh! Me and my friends have been begging for a Sandtrap remake for ages now, and this seems to be really close to the real thing, aside from a few changes I have seen made. Downloading it now and will give feedback later, but in the meantime will you be able to include a weapon list?
I posted on your preview that if you pull it of then i will worship you and here I stand worshipping. Did you make sure that the weapons on map and vehicles on map correspond to those on sandtrap? You want to and make those and almost remake because that's where the balance lies.
The only differences in weapon layout between Deathtrap and Sandtrap are the inclusion of plasma pistols, the absence of missile pods (replaced by one plasma launcher), the addition of a grenade launcher, and the shade turret. I may not have gotten the DMR's exactly alike, but I can fix that if it's needed. Oh, and needle rifles.
Great remake! It has been a little downscaled and there's a bit of screen lag while in the wraith, but I guess their inevitable. I only had a quick look at it, but it looks enjoyable. My only problem with the map is it's description, It makes very little sense to me.
The description is meant to shed some more light on the story behind Sandtrap. Halo 3 described it as a ruined forerunner structure that was temporarily occupied by brutes. Deathtrap is set before that time, as if the forerunners had just recently abandoned the structure, leaving it free for the brutes to claim.
I like how you managed to create a massive, complex, and aesthetically pleasing map without it suffering any framerate issues. now im really starting to regret missing out on the testing if only Bungie would implement a BTB Classic playlist
I'm afraid Sandtrap without framerate is borderline impossible. But, this is the best so I've seen so far. On the description "the novel absence of this structure" makes it sound like the structure itself is absent as opposed to the previous occcupants being absent, which is what confused me.
I had a look at this map yesterday. I like how you have made it as much like Sandtrap as you can, and you've done a really good job with the forging. Unfortunately you can't rip geometry from H3 into Reach so... You've done the best you can, anyway, and it's still an enjoyable map.
For those of you who do not already know, Deathtrap has been featured in the Tester's Guild Term 4 video, along with three other great maps :] Term 4 Video Term 4 Video Thread