This is probably my most competive map and one of the best on scenery. it is mostly a bunch of headshots as their are 2 BR's and 4 Carbines. It is called Hangar. Its basically a wore doen fallen part hangar an is best for CTF. I dont have any more pics since im not yet adjusted to forgehub i will catch on. This map is perfect for CTF and Assault as their are many ways into the plant oint or flag. MUST DOWNLOAD.
pic problem i see you cant post from your computer you have to host them from a place like see the link in my sig for more info
All right, the original poster knows that his pics don't work, and hopefully he's reading the instructions on how to do it properly or PMing with someone who is nice enough to walk him through it. No more posts about there being no pictures. Comment on the map and gametype only from here on out, please.