Crash! Bang! Whallop! Those are the noises you'll hear amongst the laughter when you play this... The ultimate in stupidity, it's shunt! The game where you must attempt to ram your opponents off the cliff with various vehicles while attempting not to be rammed off yourself! Screenshots: The arena: Spawn Area: Mongeese + Ghost: Only one hog spawns at start, the rest spawn soon: Look a rocket launcher: The gametype makes you invincible except from assassinations because you can't turn em off but assassination bonus is set to -3 and you get 2 points per kill making it a bad Idea to kill your enemy. It's first team to 25 so you're in for a long fight. Vehicles are indestructible. MAP LINK: GAMETYPE LINK: I hope you have fun messing around...
looks like tons of fun! even though i'm sure this is not the case, wouldn't it just say that the people fell to their death instead of getting killed since they wouldn't have received damage from impact? but anyway this does look like a lot of fun that little court in Rat's Nest is awesome, great for minigames like this. great idea!
It does sometimes say you aint got no kill, but you usually get the kill, and you get 2 pts per kill to make up for it. Of course, if you find 25 pts too long, change it
maybe it should be a time limit and you lose points when you die, but don't get any when you kill. that would take away that problem