Teleporters and Mancannons

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by MrJeef, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. MrJeef

    MrJeef Forerunner

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    Hello Forge Hub! This is both my first post, and my first map posting. I came up with the idea for this map last night at work. I worked on it a bit last night, then finished it up this morning.

    Its a pretty simple map, I made it by adapting the Snakes and Ladders game into Halo: Reach. I wanted to make it play-able, so I made a simple dice-roll mechanism and put in a couple so you could roll from most places. If there is a square you cannot roll from, or see the rolled die from, you have the use of hologram to make a place-holder.

    A couple of things to note:
    A DMR or Needle Rifle will point in the direction of travel (the barrel points to it). This is used on teleporter receiver nodes, or mancannon landing squares.
    Speaking of mancannon landing squares, those are marked by the Capture Plates. The one-way shields are supposed to knock you down, but I am new to Forge, so they are not perfect. Therefore, you have the Capture Plates to accurately know where to land.
    The die can take a little while to respawn, so it isn't perfect to play on if you need to wait for a die spawn.
    Players can only deal 25% damage, enough to destroy the explosives but not each other. The final "win" square has a custom power-up that changes that fact, though. It lasts 15 seconds, so you can score some points to win.

    I also put in a couple viewing lounges, just for some small aesthetics. Only two are really fleshed out though.

    Here are some screenshots of the map:

    Full Map

    Taking the First Roll

    Its a 4!

    Final Square

    Viewing Lounge with bar

    Covenant Lounge

    And there you have it! Nothing special, just something I wanted to make for fun and decided to share.

    EDIT: For one reason or another, I can't get the thumbnail to work. Here are the links: Reach Screenshots/TMMapShot.jpg
    I tried two, but it still hasn't changed for me.
    #1 MrJeef, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  2. HatchedHarp

    HatchedHarp Forerunner

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    its a fun map , i played in with 8 players, its pretty simple but its interesting, but i see this map as a slayer map only , not as a Minigame map , but its ok for me , nice map and keep it up :)
  3. oz0 Bradley 0zo

    oz0 Bradley 0zo Forerunner

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    as my previous post was considered spam I thought I would alliterate on my other comment. This map has squares. This map has walls. This map has ghost. As you can probably see, this is my attempt at being rebellious. Stupid moderators. Anyway to the map, It is a lot of fun, I have played only two games with 3 people in each (different people) and everyone loved it. The dice rolling device is genius but I feel it can sometimes favor certain sides (middle one is the most likely to roll a six). I would suggest tiding the outskirts of the map, make them more aesthetically pleasing and also implement a no jump height setting into the gametype to stop cheating. Overall this is a fantastic attempt at a classic boardgame that can create so much fun, even if people cheat. An aesthetic overhaul would make it perfect but it already has me creating new dice rolling mechanisms from the dam right insane to the impossibly simple. 8/10

    HAPPY NOW MODERATORS.(I love you all really).
    #3 oz0 Bradley 0zo, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011

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