Pursuit Hello everyone! I have recently joined the forgehub community and want to share one of many halo reach competitive maps: [Pursuit] By Matty the IV Pursuit is an asymmetric Free For All and Team slayer based map built in the coliseum on forge world. It can host from 1v1 gameplay to 4v4 team games. Due to the small nature of the map, a 4v4 game on this map would seem like chaos but nevertheless FUN! The map, although asymmetric, is fair for both teams as it takes both teams an equal amount of time to reach the power weapon locations. Speaking of power weapons, the weapons placed on Pursuit are: Sniper Rifle X1 Shotgun X1 DMR X4 Evade X1 Plasma Pistol X2 Magnum X2 Now for some screenshots! Sniper rifle spawn above the centre: Shotgun rests on this block: Evade ability is attached to the centre rock: Finally some decorative pieces! NOW FOR SOME ACTION SHOTS! Pursuit is playable for Slayer, FFA, King of the hill, oddball, headhunter, stockpile and CTF. Many thanks to: ODST x Ghost NLvG v Twisted bleedthefield xXIXChicoXIXx stevenson360 PyroNinja Xx MaNIcKsZ xX SteamPunk Rebel Katanga and many more people i probably forgot sorry... For playtesting the map for hours on end! =] If you are thinking of helping me forge more maps just message me or send me a friend request on XBL Download Today!
map is kinda sloppy , example 3rd pic those columns are so crooked if u use cordinance those will go together perfectly no excuse this far along in the game to be that crooked , maybe like on foundry in halo 3 when it was first released but not on reach and i really wish everyone would stop using the round staircase with grass and rock in it every map has that ... sorry just giving some constructive critisism , also can we please have a overview pic cant even tell what the map looks like overall .....layout pic is a must. <-------------------------
That's not constructive, mate. I really doubt you've played this map, and the second point is purely opinion. Oh, and the word is co-ordinate. I enjoyed testing Pursuit. I felt no area was too dominant, and the weapons suited the locations very well. Each area looks distinct enough for you to navigate the map easily, and the paths allow for quick escapes and tactical flanking. As for the alleged "sloppiness", I've been around every inch of this map, and I can assure you the forging is very good, despite what the aforementioned screenshot may show.
This map looks awesome. Only a few things that you might find helpful to do. First, GET A THUMBNAIL IMAGE. It helps a lot Second, I agree with twisted gaming, rock gardens are over-used...It's really not creative at all and everyone puts it on their maps. Also, an overview would help. I was going to say that, yeah, that column needs to be fixed, but then I read Katanga's message. I really like the rock placement in this map. I myself love to use rocks so it's good to see someone else who seems to throw some creativity into a map as well. So, all around this map looks awesome man. I'm looking forward to getting some games on it. Good work.
Yeah this is my first halo reach map ive ever made but thanks for the criticism! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Everyone i have updated the map. These are the changes made: 1. Plays with most objective gametypes (see above) 2.) Shotgun spare clips have been lowered to 1 3.) Two magnum are included in the map 4.)The forging is less sloppy and all hiding spots have been patched. 5.) The centre now has a pretty yellow light hidden in a decorated chandelier. Enjoy the map
This map is very good, in my opinion. As one of the playtesters I found the weapon placements very fair and there isn't any part of the map that dominates the game (unlike Sword Base, where everything happens in and around the yellow lift room). The only things about this map I have trouble with is the spawn placements. Other than that, I think Pursuit is a great map. Also, I like the pressure ladder
Thanks I appreciate it. At the moment i am working on a version 3 of the map which includes more respawn zones and inclusion of the assault gametype. Thanks for all the criticism, i am really taking this into account.
This map is interesting when I first looked at it I didnt think of it as much...the map has a very plain look that has little aesthetic value to define it from other maps...this map that you have created has been done thousands of times...it lost originalty back in halo 3...I would suggest the next map you give features that could define it and set it apart from the others maps to show you are an individual...not just another forger...I noticed you said that this is your first map which is good...you vary the different blocks used although you could have used different blocks and aligned them better...You also kept the weapons in good without overpowering the map...but back tothe aesthtics you could have also made the rocks look more natural instead of a random rock just popping out the ground...you could create a sequence of smaller rocks or torn metal to make it look like it natural and not just there...overview...The map looks and most likely displays good gameplay but is unoriginal and has very little aesthtic value...
Hello! This a cool map! It is cleanly forged and smooth. Nice cover around and well placed. Nothing to overpowering in the weapons and I do like that there is a shot gun. Not very good with the snipe although I am learning (thanks to eightball ) I would say that it would probably look better if you replaced come of the colosseum walls with 4 x 4 or 5 x 5 blocks (the 4 x 4 tall has a nice side that looks different, but it doesn't effect gameplay so its not to important. Nice work! Looking forward to seeing new projects!
Thanks timmy, im online with eightball now so get online! Also i have posted BTB regulation as a map preview in forge discussion so check it out. If you want to playtest i will be really grateful
After getting some games on this, I have some feedback. First, I enjoyed playing on this, the weapons weren't overpowered. Second, the forging was smooth and nothing looked out of place. Third, I loved all of the tactical jumps and flanking opportunities. Fourth, the choice of armor abilities on the map seemed to fit well. This map has a good vibe and layout. But, seriously, get rid of the rock garden LOL. Keep up the good work Matt.