Created by iiM Stevo, Psychoduck and The Porkie "Oh my... those Toadz are gathering an army!?!?!" "We can't let them reach the Shroom cave!" "DEFEND THE SHROOMZ!!" Toadz & Toadettez on In the hole is an innovative, comedic mini-game designed for all party sizes who are out for a casual laugh. The aim of the game (aim being the keyword here...) is to pick up a flag (or multiple flags in toadettez) and head down the ramp on a vehicle of your choice into the Toad-Cannon! Make sure you time your jump right and try to predict enemy fire on your vehicle as the beam rifles often push you way off-course from your target, The Shroom Cave! Each team takes it in turn to have a reverse siege by launching out of the Toadz castle to reach the evil Shroomz cave with the flags. The defenders use a variety of weapons to quell the siege of the Toadz and restore a turdy atmosphere for the shroomz to grow in. How Toadz came to be... Spoiler Toadz was an idea developed first by Stevo, Psychoduck and MattKestrel... Whilst playing on a remade map of Sierra 117, the three TG trolls dissembled the map in a destructive way and continued to mess around with vehicles, man-cannons and an assortment of weapons. After a while, Mattkestrel got bored and started betraying... (Naughty Matt!) whilst Psychoduck was demonstrating a cool glitch with a vehicle mancannon in forge... Ask him about it some other time.... After that, he asked if we knew you could stack man-cannons to increase their strength. We merged 8 Vehicle mancannons into each other and proceeded to drive wraiths into the man-cannon trying to reach the collesium. After about an hour of constant trying and failing (and an increasing amount of betrayels from Matt occurring) I finally landed the Wraith in the Collesium! SUCCESS!! This was the very early version of the gametype that had no scoring, terrible spawning and an unbelievable amount of vehicles (everything that doesn't fly basically) to which no one managed to land in the hole This is where The Porkie (Spawn of Saltine/The Wunder) joined the mix and we started to take Toadz pretty seriously.... We further advanced the map by angling the man-cannons, created a new spawn and started to play around with the collesium making a returning mechanism. Shortly afterwards, we decided to use a gametype that enables scoring and introduce another team trying to shoot them out the sky with warthogs. We settled for Stockpile due to the increased amount objectives that could be in circulation at one point. The defenders were in gauss warthogs initially and these were incredibly difficult to angle appropriately and produce them in a range acceptable enough for the map to be "fair". This was then scrapped as the Shroom Cave was produced and the Shroomz spawn created above in the Quarry. Final changes were made to gametype settings, restructuring of the attackers spawn and other minor structural changes to the cave and defenders spawn resulting in what you see now. Thanks to all the testers, and creators and a special thanks to Matt for being such an anti-Forger for literally messing around the whole time Stevo and Psychoduck were looking at Sierra 117. If it wasn't for his antics, Toadz wouldn't exist! PICTURES! The Shroom Cave! Covie Vehicle Spawn TOADAPULT! Shroom Defender! TOADZ on a mongoose Ghosts can fly... Further pictures! Spoiler The entrance! Campers need Tents and fires! Shroomz Defence Flying In! Mongoose Room TOAD-Cannon Revenant flying... Jetpacking in... Attackers Sniper DOWNLOAD Toadz DOWNLOAD Toadettez DOWNLOAD In the hole Things you might want to know... Spoiler All coloured items are set to RANDOM, meaning when it's one colour one round, it's a toadtally different colour the next round. Toadettez is a spin-off gametype of Toadz that uses the new Speedpile variant. Although there are currently bugs in the gametype bungie need to fix, the gameplay still works. There is a secret pooey bum in the shroomz spawn The TOAD-APULT was once a feature of the map however custom power-ups were a pain to set up so that the toadz werent killed when launching out of the toad-apult and that it couldn't be used in any other way... so it now stands as an explosive piece of cover from the shroomz The revenant is the easiest vehicle to get in the hole with whilst staying alive, however, if you get shot at by a focus rifle, you will fall short of the hole. It's best to carry a jetpack when using the revenant.
Really creative game. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I didn't figure out what the catapults were for. But now that you showed me how everything works, it was totally beastly awesomesauce. omfg its a shroom.
Omfg its a shroom. Had a load of fun with this when testing, not sure about whether it's worth having the catapult there, but the cannon idea is golden.
Yay! This was super fun to make and play. I totally love some of the cool things we've put in the map, like the catapult, energy shroomz, and the... err... posterior. Anyway, its great fun. Hurray!
Had a real good time testing this map. It's so much fun -.- I was like fricken tinky winky when it was over. AGAIN AGAIN! Had some good laughs on it, especially when people missed the lift and just dived straight in the water -.- It's been a while since I've been in a full game of halo and everyone just bursts out in laughter
Toads!!! In zee hole. This game is awesome. Grabbin' flags, going off a lift, being rejected by the blue team, and cappin those flags. It's really fun getting crazy head shots on people who come off the lift, or that one annoying sniper who kills you and your team. Some great/funny...aesthetics too
oshi- dude, I freaking love this game. I was one of the first few to play it and I gotta say, this mini game is so original and fun. The whole idea is awesome and the aesthetics look way better than they used to. Definitely downloading.
I've STILL only scored once... Fail. I liked to watch it evolve little by little, catapults, campsites, posteriors... But yeah. I haven't played it with the speedpile gametype, but I assume it's fun. Lol. Greeaat job. <3
Yup, we're just waiting for a fix for Speedpile to be announced (from there I'll amend to toadettez download link). Currently it has a bug when you switch armour abilities you drop your flag on the floor, so it's a bit of a pain in the arse, but it doesn't mean the entire gametype is unplayable. Thanks for all your comments guys
The ONE thing I was best at. Just amazing. And after learning the origins, I'm even more in love with this. It may be hard to score at first, but you'll slowly develop your own method. Long live Toadz, brah. Oh, and you did a truly awesome job with the screenshot borders. Very creative.
I think my favorite memory on here was when Stevo and I were forging the map and Steve was drunk. Many lulz ensued. Porkie's original "mushroom" was funny as well.
Pretty much this^ The ghost is good if you're not being shot at. The revenant is best if you've got a jetpack because you're less likely to die, plus you can shoot at the enemy whilst flying through the air. Also, to land the revenant in the hole you have to boost down the entire ramp and into the mancannon. That sends you straight through the centre of the hole
You change the colour of the item to "AwesomeSauce". But, you must be forgehub staff to receive this feature
Actually, I believe I figured it out when me you and Psycho were all just messing around on Forge on it. But since you want to keep it secret...
You just set the Team Color and Object color to something different. It's a pretty well known glitch I believe, but when you cover your map with it has a pretty cool result.
LIES I DISCOVERED IT BY ACCIDENT BY ****ING UP THE STRUTS... and then realising that they kept changing after each round