Spirit of the Fallen

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by DeltaFoxtrot262, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Here's a brief description of the Spirit Dropship credited to Bungie.net:

    The Type-25 Troop Carrier (or T25 TC) is also known as the Spirit, although it is almost universally identified as troop carrier or dropship. It is capable of carrying up to 30 infantry and 2 vehicles. It is armed with one heavy plasma auto-cannon.

    This map concept started as a general idea of building a Spirit Dropship (aesthetic map). I then thought wouldn't it be cool if I could create spawns inside the dropship in order to simulate the ship actually dropping troops into battle (still aesthetic)? Well eventually I expanded that idea even further to include not only one Spirit but a few smaller ones as well to simulate distance and an attack area for a larger playable space. Eventually the story and the map itself developed into this:

    On a bright and sunny day on a distant world a UNSC beach defense base suddenly came under attack by the Covenant using Spirit dropships and heavy vehicles. The covenant were bent on nothing more than total annihilation of the immediate UNSC forces. They committed their best weapons and personnel immediately to the fight in order to quickly decimate the UNSC and wreak havoc on the planet. It seemed easy for them at first only having to conquer a relatively weak set of bunkers at the beach. However the Covenant quickly found out they had underestimated the UNSC forces when a larger defense base was discovered.

    The Harbinger of Death Spirit dropship (Lower Port Aft view):

    Above Front Port view:

    Aft Starboard view:

    Top view:

    Beach invasion area with 2 other Spirit dropships:

    Beach defense (Green Base):

    Overview of larger main defense base:

    Starting from left to right
    Tank Depot (separate part of main Blue Base):

    Red base (tactical and strategic):

    Blue base (Vehicle Depots):

    This map is intended to be a large vehicle based attack area with 2 opposing forces. The invading force is comprised of heavy, medium, and light vehicles both ground and air with limited specialty infantry (Special Forces). The defending force is comprised of heavy, medium and light vehicles both ground and air with limited specialty infantry (Special Forces). Both sides are fairly evenly matched but each can have different advantages over the other depending on skill, weapon choice, and vehicle matchups. Enjoy this map and if you want to see the progression check the map preview section for the same title.

    Special thanks to FrankthaTank ST for all the help
    #1 DeltaFoxtrot262, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    nice i love invasion maps! but it would be awesome if you put some rocks in the open area of the canyon it would make the gameplay more balanced :p
  3. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment raptororieon! I actually do have rocks in the center area I just didn't post pics because I thought they were boring but if you think I should I will. Originally I had planned on having a crashed UNSC ship but ran out of budget and had to stick with rocks.
  4. FrankThaTank ST

    FrankThaTank ST Forerunner

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    is a couple of rocks in the open field but we didnt have much money to work in more
  5. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map doesnt have much aesthetic value or gameplay with most the buildings being default buildings and the field being completly open...the map seems to overpowered with vehicals also...the number of vehicals seems to be overwhelming and I doubt it has been tested...also the direct route of the map make the gameplay boring with no alternate routes to try to flank the enemy making a serouis camping problem...you should remove the buildings and half the vehicals and make your own buildings so you have more money to actully make the map with aesthetics and gameplay...
  6. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    I have to agree with Anime Halo... Your buildings are VERY bland. Make just one instead of several but make it great!
  7. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    The whole point of the map is vehicle combat the bunkers, buildings, and Spirits are just there to add a story and a little something to look at. If you read the description you would know that. Also in the description and the map preview section you can read that I started with just making an aesthetic Spirit with spawn points inside. Again the Spirit is the main aesthetic element the bunkers and buildings are not suppose to catch your artistic eye. In the end the map is for vehicle combat thus the reason its in the casual section not competitive and the Spirit is the only aesthetic element, the buildings don't matter, thus the reason it's not in the aesthetic section. If that's a problem then I'll ask a moderator to move the map thread.
  8. FrankThaTank ST

    FrankThaTank ST Forerunner

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    That's Right hasn't any one ever want to feel what it feels like when a mass invasion hits ur base and a mass scale vehicle battle started or maybe what it feels like to be the invaders to jump out of a Spirit and wage vehicle battle with a strategic foot hold on the planet. That what its all about be able to jump out of a spirit and to wage utter vehicle war for the hope of Humanity. I'm sorry about being rude but LOOK AT THE DESCRIPTIONS AND DL THE MAP AND TRY IT BEFORE COMPLAINING.

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