
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by lxlIcyBulletlxl, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    Hi, I got the idea to make these games quite a while ago, and never really thought about publishing them or anything anywhere until some people told me to. Then I kind of got on here and realized that you people are way too good at making maps xD. However, my maps are still challenging enough, in my opinion, that I'll post them on here for a challenge to anyone looking for it.

    The idea I mentioned before was to make obstacle maps based mainly off of the abilities, but the only ones I really felt like making was Sprint, Armor Lock, Evade, and JetPack (Although I did make a zombie game based off Hologram). In any case, Evade was good, but got deleted, and JetPack just kinda sucked, so I deleted it myself. I was then left with Sprint and Armor Lock, then I did Sprint II and Armor Lock II, and finished with Sprint III and Armor Lock III, though I may make more. Who knows, in any case, here is Sprint.

    The Sprint map variant is meant to test some skills with Sprint, while also providing a reasonable challenge as it pertains to simple obstacles. Unlike Armor Lock, which I will post after Sprint, I like to visualize these maps as 5 separate "parts." I won't go into crazy details, but just some essentials you might need to beat the map, and eventually move on to Sprint II (posted eventually). So here we go:

    Sprint, Part 1:


    You start on the far right on the half dish and make your way through the jumps to the far left on the screen which is a side-ways box (or whatever you call it). Inside the box, there is a teleporter that takes you to the next spot. It's pretty simple.

    There are some key things to point out though. Starting with the first long jump:


    Here, you need to sprint jump. It is possible to do it from the middle of the bridge, and in fact is not all that difficult, but if you prefer, you'll make it virtually every time from jumping up top to the side of the bridge instead.

    After this there are a series of easy jumps before coming to floating columns. If you jump on these, you do not need to sprint except for the last one, as shown here:


    One last thing, after you finish the first part, you should have the opportunity to not land straight into the teleporter. I won't say what awaits you (though you may be able to figure it out yourself from this) but I will say that positioning yourself as follows gives you the best chance to beat the next part easily:


    Sprint, Part 2:


    This part is extremely simple, get to the right, you will have minimal opposition once you know what you're doing. There is one surprise at this part, but I'm not telling ;)

    Sprint, Part 3:


    This is the second-easiest part. Just jump across to the other side on the two-sided doors, and if you fall there's even a checkpoint so you don't have to start ALL over.

    Sprint, Part 4:


    The coliseum walls are in the way, if you're wondering, because people were cheating when we played, so I had to put them there. In any case, jump down to here and get to the upper teleporter. If you fall, the lower teleporter will take you back to try again. All you really have to do is make sure you jump into the grav lifts so they take you far enough forward to get to the last one which will shoot you into the teleporter that takes you to the finale.

    Sprint, Part 5 - Finale:

    Each Sprint has what I like to call a Finale.


    Jump over the Kill Balls and attempt to bounce off that last mini bridge onto the slide and onto the four walls. This is where the hill is. If you land on it and hold the hill for 10 seconds, you win. Be warned, there is a checkpoint teleporter that takes you back up to the finale spot, but it only saves you a bit past the second bridge/killball and will not save you past the four walls with the hill on it, if you land in the water outside this checkpoint teleporter, you will die and start over.

    Good luck, if you win message me and I'll get you Sprint II and you can see if you can beat that one, which is much harder than this one, I assure you.
  2. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    This map looks pro but, impossable. try to post a video on youtube or something like that please. great job.
  3. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    I'll take this challenge.

    Aww you tricky little.. I see what you did there with the teleporter.
    #3 trunksbomb, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  4. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    I would, I promise you that, but I don't know of any way to do it without things that I don't have. I can see if I can get a video of it and post it to my file share, but I've beaten this map and so has my cousin multiple times so it's definitely possible ;)

    If you are, or anyone is, having trouble with a specific part of the map, just let me know and if there's something helpful that can help you beat that part I'll advise you.

    Thanks for the comments, let me know how you do.

    Edited by merge:

    Yeah, I've gotten all my friends with it, except they're not very good at it, so it's even funnier because it took them each like an hour to get past that first part and when they finally did they didn't know what to do xD.
    #4 lxlIcyBulletlxl, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  5. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    It took me about 15 minutes to get past the first part. Then I was completely lost on what to do in the teleporter part. I'll figure it out.

    EDIT: Got all the way to the kill balls before dieing. :)
    #5 trunksbomb, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
  6. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    Yeah, there are a few tricks you have to figure out using trial and error and eventually you can get on the platform, sometimes with great skill sometimes with awesome luck, good luck on that part :) let me know when you get past it and I'll see if I can hook you up with Sprint II.
  7. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    I kept dying on the kill balls. I imagine it's sprint jump off the cliff, deactivate sprint, land on the first platform, then sprint jump and do momentum jumps down?
  8. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    There are a few ways, you can actually bounce off of the second bridge I believe and literally land straight on the platform with the hill. You can jump on each bridge up to the one you're supposed to bounce off of and then do it the "right" way. Finally, you can actually easily continue to try without dying if you jump a little from the side and continuously jump from the "side" of the bridges, where it juts up, and then if you do end up not making it you usually go through the teleporter checkpoint at the bottom and then end up back at the top where you jump down from the outside of the map and try again.

    I haven't beaten it in a while because it took me forever to finally beat Sprint II. I have 7 of these maps made, Sprint, Sprint II, Sprint III, Armor Lock, Armor Lock II, Armor Lock III, and All*. The first six are clearly self-explanatory while the last is meant to be a combo. I've beat Sprint, Sprint II, Armor Lock, and Armor Lock II. I have not beaten the other 3 yet, mostly because I just finished Sprint III and All*, but also because Armor Lock III is pretty much impossible xD

    Anyway, it's not a puzzle game, that's why I didn't label it as one, this is a different breed, an obstacle course, not meant to test your brain, but your skills, so I don't know where that leaves you in terms of how long it might take to beat it, but I promise one lucky bounce could win you the game and the feeling of accomplishment that goes with finally beating it is of course awesome, so good luck :)
  9. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    Thanks. I appreciate obstacle maps. I designed a few myself for Halo 3. One of them is still sitting in my signature, if you wanted to try it out.

    None of it's really hard in this map, save the last part. Everything else is mastery of controlled jumps. The first part is what I spent the most time on, because I kept trying to rush through it. I ended up finding that I could skip the 3rd to last column on the column jumps and sprint jump from the 4th to last to the last column. But I kept trying to rush through it and died a lot. :) I got 61 deaths before I decided to call it quits for a while.
  10. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    lol, I would, don't know where my Halo 3 game is right now though I haven't played it in so long. But yeah, don't worry about it too much, you should hear my friends get pissed off when we're playing it xD cuz they die like 100-200 times throughout a 2 hour game, it's hilarious.
  11. trunksbomb

    trunksbomb Ancient
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    Best timing I got for a single run up to the last segment was about 8 minutes. I kept missing the first platform or sliding off of it and dying since I wasn't quite at the teleporter yet.

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