Stronghold is simply a large fortress surrounded by rock outcroppings and small structures. The map works with most game types, as listed above. NOT RACE. The video below shows invasion, its main game type. It requires my custom game type: Invasion: Stronghold, though. It is really addicting on infection too, especially with my custom game type: Survival. To download survival check out my file share. The map is packed with a variety of weapons, most equal to either side. There are two ghosts, and 4 mongeese. There is one rocket launcher, several DMR's, AR's, Needle Rifles, and also several covenant weapons. 3 sniper rifles make the gameplay really interesting, especially with one very difficult to find. YouTube - Amazing Halo Reach Forges: Stronghold
looks very good. nice use of the peices. And the big wall looks like it actually belongs there But seriously, you need a better description. does this support all gametypes? cuz it seems like it. but you should show us how invasion and race works, and what the weapons are, and the bases for non-invasion gametypes.
lol, very nice but i agree with whats stated above you might want to really EXPLAIN everything. None the less i'm gonna get it and very good choice of music!
I love base type maps and this one seems really cool and functional. I would love to see how invasion works on it and a more in depth look of the main base. Good work though.