Boarding action

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Masta Chief 009, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    Alright, I'm sure some of you know I already Have a thread on here... I would just post my update there but it is refusing to let me post a "new" reply, it keeps merging my post with my last one which is three days old. So here we go again.

    New thread, New pictures, a whole new redesign

    Here are some new pics of my new version of boarding action: Enjoy, still fiddling with the last few ladders as I mentioned in my previous thread, it is comming along nicely.












    There is some new eye candy for ya. As you can see the map is comming along nicely. What do you think? feedback is always appreciated
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    I'm surprised I haven't seen this sooner. It looks pretty good, but the Jetpack sure does throw a wrench into things.
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You should either bump the old thread or make a new one. Please don't do both.
  4. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    I attempted to bump the old thread, but it was auto merging with my post from three days ago. This will be the thread I use from now on.

    The map is designed around the classic slayer gametype, however i took plenty of precautions to prevent Armor abilities from "breaking" the map, such as kill zones on top and around the sides to prevent boarder circumvention.

    I was using the jetpack for these shots for easy of navigation since I have 5 ladders that still need to be fine tuned.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    It says the last post was two days ago.

    Also I remember someone else who was remaking boarding action found these quite helpful. You might too.

    Edit: Apparently the jump tags got screwed up in the last update I'll fix it tomorrow. I meant to link to the Advanced Lift section.
    #5 pyro, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
  6. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    that is actually where I got the idea for the two way ladders, thanks tho, yea the last post was that long ago since I didnt bother posting knowing a merge would not actually show as an update.

    Anywho, Back on topic! check out the pics N let me know what ya'll think

    Edited by merge:

    Here are some more shots showing some more varied gametypes currently implimented.







    And of course, Slayer:

    Again, Feedback and Constructive criticism is always welcome. Thank you,
    #6 Masta Chief 009, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
  7. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    tbh jetpack looks good for this map, like swordbase
    you can quickly cross the middle or go up levels but evryone on the map can see you and it doesn't look like it would circumvent the paths too much because everything is roofed and there appear to be many ways up
  8. cyclonewolf114

    cyclonewolf114 Forerunner

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    this was one of my favorites from halo and always will be

    looking forward to it
  9. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    I am happy to hear i'm not the only one who shares love for boarding action, I am working very hard, but these last four ladders are proving to be rather difficult to keep them working properly. (on account of the fact that objects sometimes shift slightly when you re-load a map in forge or otherwise)

    Edited by merge:

    Early Morning Update:
    physical construction of the map, and all it's functioning ladders is now complete.

    I will begin setting up for all of reach's supported gametypes.

    A new question for you though.

    For Assymetrical gametypes (neutral bomb, flag, ball, etc)
    the only way for them to work properly is to include a bridge of some kind that will ONLY SPAWN in Assymetrical gametypes so that they will be in the center and provide a fair travel distance for each team. What do you guys think? (obviously said possible bridge would not go on the same level as red and blue base, they would either be lower, or higher to encourage movement around the rest of the level rather than fighting over the bridge.)

    Again tell me what you guys think. Thanks,

    #9 Masta Chief 009, Mar 31, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  10. dusters16

    dusters16 Forerunner

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    glad to know u got the ladders fixed, anything else left to do?

  11. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    Thank you everyone for your encouragement, I will be going back to making progress today, all the map needs at this point is Gametype setup. I will do my best to find a way to include asymetrical gametypes without the additions of bridges, but for balance issues, for those gametypes it may be un-avoidable.

    As far as XBL, My Gamertag is Masta Chief 009, Feel free to add me for early looks at the board and playtesting, there is plenty of toom on my list so that wont be an issue.

    I will have pics of the new gametypes later today.
    As far as my other two maps; Foundation and Lockout. No forging is necessary, those two are completed. the only thing either one of them needs is MAYBE some budget re-use but that is about it. (though Lockout may need some respawn work.)

    Once Boarding action is Complete I will also Post threads for my Lockout and my Foundation. Both of which are as original as forgingly possible in originally supported gametypes with some new twists for originally unsupported gametypes only.

    Edited by merge:

    Ok, anyone who is having trouble adding me just shoot me a voice message, my list isnt full but xbl seems to be having some difficulties as of late. Today will be a test day for the map I ran out of time yesterday to add in the neutral gametypes so I will be doing that now. In the meantime if you are interested in checling out the map, testing it, etc. Feel free to shoot me a voice message.
    Again my GT is Masta Chief 009
    MC009 out.
    #11 Masta Chief 009, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  12. dusters16

    dusters16 Forerunner

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    bump for moose
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haven't seen a good Boarding Action remake yet. It looks good, but I wish thee best of luck fien sirz.
  14. dusters16

    dusters16 Forerunner

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    yay its done now. afaik. did u fix that random bridge piece that was in the middle?
  15. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    Yes I did fix that random bridge piece.

    For those of you not in on the loop here, For each version of an asymetrical gametype (ball, CTF, bomb, etc) I made bridges that were both gamytype and symmitry specific. Meaning they wil ONLY spawn on the Asymetrical versions of those gametypes. Leaving all other game modes unnefected.

    All ladders are now functioning properly, and I have had several playtests on the map since those ladders were complete. Though I am looking for more just for more potential fine tuning. I wont be able to get online tonight or tomorrow, but I will most likely be available over the weekend for playtests.

    If any of you are interested send a message or request letting me know, I can check via my HTC Evo and make note of when to be on to play. or even get on when I wasn't planning on it.

    for now,
    MC009 out.
  16. Masta Chief 009

    Masta Chief 009 Forerunner

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    Thinking about running some games on this tonight, if you are interested, let me know

    GT: Masta Chief 009

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