I am working on a map, and it appears that the best location to build it is on Tempest. So, I need to know how many people here have the Noble maps. If not a large enough amount of people here have them, I will be forced to build on Forge World.
Anyone who doesn't buy the maps is a wiener, and you don't need them to download your maps anyways. The change in scenery will really help your map stand out.
if your really into Forging (and chances are you are if your posting on a Forging Forum), then chances are you have them. I'd say make it.
I hope people have em too. Cause a v2 of a certain map might be comig out in the upcoming weeks...oh ****, I've said too much..
If you truly are a Halo fan, you should have the map packs. It's not a big deal. For the price, I think it is fair. You get awesome maps. I can't say how many times this has been a problem in customs when attempting to test a map with NIBBLES. LMAO me too
Yeah, that's what Im hoping to avoid... Anyways, Im building the map on Tempest, and I think the style of map it is will surprise some of you as I don't think anything quite like it has been done before on Tempest. Expect a preview in a few weeks. Ill leave the thread/poll open, as it could be a useful resource to others looking to build on Tempest. Now go buy the Noble map pack if you don't have it!!!
I know, I know... stop bugging me! I kid, I do need to get them though, I need another matchmaking invasion map, just Spire and Boneyard gets a little annoying. Actually it wouldn't be so bad if Boneyard had less problems. That first phase just almost always ends it, and I am actually tired of skunking the other team/getting skunked. On topic again, I would say get them, they look better than the defiant maps on a whole, and good invasion maps are few and far between.
people should be buying the map packs right now. because Noble was just decreased to 400 MS points. and Defiant has a special going on until may 15th with the xbox live rewards program that gives you 400 ms points back after you make the purchase. so you can get both for 400 MS points each right now..