my trap map v3

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by yugiohiscoolpojo, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    umm hello forgehub peoples. i haven't posted a map in a while but i have still been making them. anyways instead of posting a regular map like i normally would i thought i would post a trap map/ puzzle map i made. all of my friends have enjoyed it and tested it a lot so i don't think there are too many kinks left but if you find anything wrong please tell me cause i would like to fix it. the name is trap map v3 cause i made two others, lol, but they were made on halo 3 and i wanted to continue with that name since i'm not very good at coming up with names. in halo 3 they were actually trap maps, like you step on a certain piece and a block splatters you or whatever but this time i decided to make it more puzzle-like. you won't be consantly dying but hopefully you will be getting stuck. so about the map, there are basically 8 rooms or levels cause there not all in rooms, but you will be using weapons, armor abilities, hidden teleporters, jumps and other things to try and get the ball by the end of the puzzle. o and you can't play this with more than four people sorry. also you have to use the custom gametype or i don't think it will work properly, anyways sorry for the long read now here are some pictures, though it may be kind of hard to get much from the pictures since it's mostly closed in.

    this is where you will initially spawn:


    my janky " spike = :( " sign, pretty obvious i think that you aren't supposed to pass any spikes or you'll die.


    just another place the map will take you:


    ARMR LOK! lol i hate armor lock in regular games but you will need it to get through the puzzle so don't jump the wall and go through the teleporter without one cause you will be starting over:


    and my last pic, i would post more but it's hard to see how fun it is from the pictures, there is a lot more to the map though so you have to download to see lol:


    so there are some pictures but it's hard to really see the puzzle being played out from them, impossible actually so download it and try, also it's not one of those easy puzzle maps you actually have to try so if challenging puzzles aren't your thing you may not like this too much, but personally i love the the more challenging puzzles . o yea you need the game type too lol.
    #1 yugiohiscoolpojo, Mar 25, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011
  2. Big Jacck

    Big Jacck Forerunner

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    nice map well forged but can get confusing on what to do at some parts ( which i like)

    however some flaws well im not sure but theres a few parts which i think we did the wrong way

    e.g the end we brute shotted up to the top not sure if thats what ur supposed to do

    but other than that amazing map we loved it me and my mate completed it with about 1hour or 2 about half an hour ago :) good map keep it up

    oh and i loved some of the new challenges very good for example the armour lock bit not going to give anything away ;D
  3. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    bigjack- dam you beat it in an hour? lol my friends took like 3 i think, anyways, yea i realized at the end you can just brute shot up to the top, its not how i meant for it to be done but i kept it lowered so you could do it like that cause the other way is kinda hard, but its similar to the first part. also were there any other parts that were messed up?
  4. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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  5. Big Jacck

    Big Jacck Forerunner

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    yeah 1 hour ^.^ me and my mate love puzzle maps and this was a decent one

    and if your with a friend you can get the DMR from the tunnel without an evade by dieing and your friend getting it then you go back to the spot quite quickly

    and the drop shields dont always fall down off the fusion coil

    thats all i can think of from the top of my head
  6. yugiohiscoolpojo

    yugiohiscoolpojo Forerunner

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    o yea i remember my friends doing that too in the evade tunnel but that would be kinda hard to fix, unless i set the dmr to fixed or something but i don't like fixing weapons

    and for the drop shields, yea i don't know why they don't fall sometimes cuz there sitting right on the fusion coil, anyways im making a newer trap map, hopefully you won't be able to beat it in an hour lol.
  7. Big Jacck

    Big Jacck Forerunner

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    haha ok il look forward to it ;D

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