Hi everyone, Liberty City plays well on Slayer with at least 4 people. As of right now, it is only set to work with slayer, but it can easily be editted to work with infection, king of the hill, oddball, and some other gametypes. It's a pretty fun map to screw around on for fun, and hopefully you will appreciate the details in the map. My Gamertag is: XxRec0nGuNn3rxX. Feel free to add me on your friends list if you want to play it some time, or just click on the download link.
I realy like the combnition of astetic and competitive togther. and i think i may just add you and see if you wanna get into any of my texting sessions.
this map has nice aesthetics...however Im not sure about the gameplay...one thing though...when looking at the map it says liberty city but the map is kinda small....you could probaly remove the liberty city text and replace that with more buildings to increase the gameplay of the map...