
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jacobryandavis, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Eclipse [Final]

    "Successfully kept secret by the Covenant, these structures held the secrets to Halo - until now."​

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

    Welcome members and/or guests of Forgehub - I present to you, the final, complete, severely adjusted, one and only Eclipse. She's all finished and ready to go (and it's all unfortunate for me as the creator - it was an awesome journey). Now, you might ask - Wait a minute, didn't this guy already start a thread for this map? - and you wouldn't be wrong - because I do have an older thread for Eclipse, but that particular thread showcased the older version - and this version, the final version - is nothing like it's counterpart. So much has been changed, and as a result - the experience is now so much more optimal. I (along with a couple of fellow gamers who I give credit to further onward) worked days, playtested for hours and adjusted accordingly to perfect and enhance Eclipse, and we're happy with the result - and we hope you will be too.

    We've done the hard part, now - enjoy.

    Well, One day while playing Halo: CE, I thought to myself "It'd really be sweet to make a challenging Invasion map that looked and played just like this" - and thus began Eclipse. Eclipse is heavily inspired by Halo: CE aesthetics as well as gameplay and you should also know that Eclipse is built specifically for Invasion, meaning that it won't be compatible with any other gametypes but Invasion (Unfortunate? Not really, trust me). Also, like all good Invasion maps, Eclipse is driven and supported by a story line.

    Before Echo 419, Master Chief and Cortana made their way to Halo's map room (aka The Silent Cartographer), Cortana sent Echo 419 and a group of marines here to find what she believed would allow her to pinpoint the map room's exact location on Halo - the navigation core. Your mission is this: you will be set down at the entrance of the cave where an Elite force will meet you further in. Towards the end of the cave, there are two gate generators - you must activate either one of the generators to disable the shield door thus providing further entrance to the area - this may not be easy. Once the shield doors are down, you must locate either one of the two other shield generators and hack them in order to disable the second (and larger) grid lock. Once the lock is disabled, we believe the core will be located in the structure located South/South East - you must enter the structure, find and steal the navigation core and bring it back to the entrance of the cave where Echo 419 will meet you thereafter. This won't be an easy task, but difficult is not impossible.

    Gameplay Images














    Weapon/Vehicle Info
    For the first phase, you are allowed what is provided in the default loadout menu - minus one grenade (Elites & Spartans).

    For the second and third phases, the loadout menus are left at default - which should be plenty.

    A Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser and a Rocket Launcher will spawn during the third phase in the cave and a Focus Rifle as well as a Plasma Launcher at/near the Covenant structure where the core is located during the third phase.

    There are no vehicle spawns for the first phase, 1 default hog in the second phase, and 1 rocket hog, 1 Default Hog, 2 Ghosts and 1 wraith in the third phase. All vehicles as well as weapon spawns are available in the third phase for use.

    Phase Info
    The phases are set up as:

    - Phase 1 - Territories (20 sec. Offensive / 15 sec. Float / 4 min. Round)
    - Phase 2 - Territories (20 sec. Offensive / 15 sec. Float / 4 min. Round)
    - Phase 3 - Core (45 sec. Defensive Return / 10 min. Round [FYI - anything less than that would have been too short])

    Work well and communicate as a team and you'll get it done. As mentioned above, you'll be given two options for the first two phases - which means there's room for strategy.

    Additional Info
    The map is built to handle anywhere from 12-16 players separated into two equal teams. Also, be sure to download the gametype created specifically for Eclipse.

    That about covers the important stuff :)

    - Do not let the Elites push the Spartans back during the first phase, this can prove devastating for the Spartans!
    - Make sure to utilize the upper territory during the second phase!
    - The rocket hog and the two default hogs will come in handy during the third phase - use them to pull the attention away from the core carrier (they'll thank you later)!
    - Be sure to put the Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser and bridge (accessible through use of the teleporters) to good use, especially during the third phase.
    - The map was built to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It was not, however, built to be easy. Good communication and team work will make capturing each objective possible and quick.

    Good luck!

    - csb22103, Huge thanks for helping me with the Invasion labels as well as overall setup of the zones & objectives - this map is half yours.
    - xBADMAGIKx, you'll know exactly what I mean when I say the rocks made all the difference.
    - Carpetfresh, you helped with perfecting the phases and I appreciate your involvement, you have my respect.
    - [Note that the above three came up with the idea for rebuilding the entire third phase - they forged everything and I came back and gave it my touch]
    - Halo: CE, the map wouldn't exist (or be this badass) if not for the inspiration you ignited.
    - You, for the support.

    Please, we made this map for you - the community - so check it out, and if deserving - recommend to your friends in order to support Eclipse! I'm open to all constructive criticism surrounding the map as well as the gametype and you can feel free to post here on the thread or as a comment on the page the map/gametype/video is located. Thanks a lot,

    Now Enjoy.
    #1 jacobryandavis, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  2. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    good map good map but i would of loved to see it being played because the youtube video was removed but your discription was excellent and good discription is half the battle for people to dl this map well its good enough for me so il download
    stay good at forgeing
    UPDATE-both videos are broken we can not watch them one says "too long" the second one says"this video is private" could you fix ths please
    #2 Madpond, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  3. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Okay, thank you very much for pointing this out for me - I appreciate it. I fixed the objective flythrough video and am working on getting the longer video corrected - but until then, feel free to watch it in the Eclipse fileset where the map is downloaded - it's rendered so you should be good. Thanks!
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, remember me?

    Anyways this looks pretty awesome, Ociee loves a good Invasion map, I remember seeing this as a megathread on the reach forums, got quite a few likes on there I recall, why so few here? Anywho I will definitely download this, awesome job!
  5. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Yeah, I do remember you, haha - we forged for a couple of minutes before :) Also, thanks a lot - I'm really glad you like it, we worked really hard on each and every miniscule aspect of the map and I'm happy with the result.

    And yeah, I started a thread on the Reach forums for a wider distribution, and it was actually pretty successful, something that surprised me. Anyway, thanks a lot for the support, have a good one!

    Also! I just now posted an awesome promo video of Eclipse - check it out at the top of the thread!

    Thanks :)
  6. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eclipse is by far the best community invasion map I've played. It casts a big round shadow over all the others. ;]

    I was involved in a few of the testing sessions and this map plays magnificently. It is definite improvement on the original version.

    It's balanced, unique and a whole lot a fun. It absolutely deserves to be in matchmaking.
  7. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Thank you - and that's exactly what we were going for from the beginning - we wanted to create a clean, balanced and entertaining map for the community to enjoy and it's fantastic to know that you feel that way.

    You were one of the few who playtested pretty much each version of the map and got to witness the transformation, haha - I'm glad you like it man, thanks for the support! :)

    Edited by merge:

    Nothing more from Forgehub? I was expecting much more criticism than I did on the forums (which by the way racked up to over 9 pages worth of information that was helpful in optimizing the map) - I guess not, haha.
    #7 jacobryandavis, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have got to see this! I love invasion, and have almost finished an invasion map myself. I will fly through and see how it compares. I like how in your tips you say to go to both territories; this is something people often forget to do, but it's often the most fun way to play, drawing defenders back and forth. I will return with a lengthy collection of my thoughts, hopefully we can play it sometime!
    P.S. Don't know whose map it really is, but it is very good. I will enjoy it with whoever built it (though I do hope it isn't stolen, that's just wrong.)
    #8 Skyward Shoe, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
  9. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Edited by merge:

    I swear on my own life and lives of my beloved ones (yes, I just said that) that Eclipse is mine and that I am the original creator (of course csb22103, xBADMAGIKx and Carpetfresh played a big part in everything as well) - from start to finish and I would love to jump in a customs whenever you're down to play. Check out the Maptastrophe group on for information on when I get together for CGN's.

    I look forward to your feedback (and the lengthier and more detailed, the better). I hope you enjoy yourself!
    #9 jacobryandavis, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2011
  10. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The architecture looks sick after seeing the vid, I am excited to play this soon!
    I am getting the feeling you did make this after reading the whole comment strain. You seem to know a lot more about this map, and honestly, 3 years has nothing to do with credibility sir. I believe it is time to stop feeding the troll.
  11. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    Okay, this map is stolen, I was in the party when my friend RPS51792 (Who is an ECLIPSE!) was making the first two waves of the map. I even joined and found places to hide so he could cover them up! So you completed one wave and added a few things to the original waves, atleast give him credit to the idea that he thought of. Way to be "mature" about it.
  12. jacobryandavis

    jacobryandavis Forerunner

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    Thank you very much for this, I appreciate it - and I'll leave it to the community to decide from here on out. I worked hard on Eclipse, and no credit will be given to anyone who didn't help. Although I'd like to take time right now to give a big shout out to the Reach community on the forums, you gave me so much criticism and helped better the map.

    Otherwise, I'm glad you like it FlyingshoeILR, let me know of any comments/suggestions after giving the map a playtest/flythrough!
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Will all 12 year-old girls PLEASE leave this thread. Thanks. If you have proof that this map is in fact "stolen" then by all means contact a moderator instead of filling this thread with spam (which by the way, I will be deleting).

    You can continue with your useless bickering, just be aware you WILL be infracted with the slightest about of compassion ever seen.
    #13 NlBBS, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011

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