Well, I'm about to start my second Invasion map (hopefully I learned some things about balance since my first) and I need a name. I want the name to have something to do with the last phase, in which you assault a Forerunner Radio structure. The structure has the appearance of the Halo CE Control Room with a lot of my own style added to it. I did post about this already in the Name Your Map thread or whatever, but no one checks it so here you go. Please post suggestions.
How about... Response Feedback ...hmm. I can usually name things pretty easily, but it's not coming today. The ones posted by Chrono seem pretty good as well. I'll edit if I think of anything else.
Static, White Noise or Interference like Chrono said are probs the best as they also imply that will be no backup for the humans.
Thanks for the suggestions so far! I'm thinking that it could be called Invasion: Disseminator. Disseminator mean to send out, as in radio signals or messages. I think that could work. I like what you guys are saying though, so it's gonna be a tough choice. I'm stilly accepting suggestions though. Keep em comin.
How about you choose the one that doesn't sound like a random, overcomplicated word? I mean, no one really gives two shits what Desimmer decimeter Disseminator means. Most people (myself obviously included) like having map titles that are short, sweet and to the point. If you can think of a single title that (obviously) has something to do with the map and its overall gameplay, you'll greatly strengthen the mental bond a person will have with that map. I've noticed when testing my own maps out that for the most part, people like a map better if the title is something that positively influences their opinion of the map. For example, something like "White Noise" ingrains an image of a bleak, uphill battle that has little hope of being won. With that mindset, a player can come to completely different conclusions about the exact same events and aesthetics and can thus get a completely different experiance from the map. I usually don't even play the map if the title implies it was made by a twelve-year-old who likes words he doesn't understand.
Exactly. I've seen far too many nonsensical titles that go over the heads of half the players while the other half recognizes that the title is simply wrong. Don't make the same mistake of choosing a word based only on how badass it may or may not sound.
Haris, you're looking way too into it. White Noise is an excellent choice; it's simple and gives the idea of a back story. By your reasoning, then no maps should have names with any sort of negative connotation, which just doesn't make sense to me. But yeah, Interference and White Noise are good choices.
Actually, I agree with Haris - there is a subconscious connection between a map name and behaviors. Studies have shown that if a group is read words that contain aggressive or negative connotations, that they tend to be more aggressive and negative themselves. So I would agree in keeping it simple, and keeping the title corresponding to the better aspects of the map.