Stockpile and other questions...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Zathura, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Zathura

    Zathura Forerunner

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    I have a good generic map built, and I'm trying to set it up for as many gametypes as I think it will handle, being a somewhat small, symmetrical (rotated) map.

    Truth be told, I'm not a huge fan of stockpile, and I've only played it a handful of times.

    I put about 6-7 hill markers down labeled as drop points, and set their spawn sequence in ascending numbers.

    Was that the correct thing to do? I'm not sure how to get the red/blue zones, which I assume is where you need to drop off the flags.

    ^_I think I have that all screwed up.

    err...other question...what is the difference between territories and KotH? Aren't they essentially the same thing? Will the KotH hills carry over to territories, or do I need to set them up separately?
  2. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Stockpile requires 2 hill markers, one for blue team and one for red labeled STP_Goal. That is where the drop-off zones are.
    Flags are marked by flag stands labeled STP_Flag, team neutral. They are chose at random, and I do not know if spawn order changes anything.

    I just tested this on one of my maps and it works.

    KotH and Territory markers must be set up separately. Its a pain, but it has to be done.
  3. Zathura

    Zathura Forerunner

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    Okay, thank you much Scorch. That has helped a great deal.

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