Your sigs are incredible and worth the wait in my opinion, so take all the time you need bro. And thanks again!
Okay well you're next Mastar. And if I've read your post correctly you are requesting two separate sigs? (Also with whichever sig created you would like it duplicated. One with the name Teh Mastar and one with the name Tasco NZ) I can make you one and then you can add yourself on to the list again if you want another one... Lol... So which one would you prefer I make for you? The one described or one using the picture?
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - Roche178 Slogan -The official Irishman Main colour -Green Secondary colors -orange Style-What ever you think would be suitable. - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head -Odst Body -CQB LS - hayabusa RS - security Primary Colour -Green Secondary Colour -Green Font- Celtic Garamond Emblem- see below Thanks in advance. (Try top my current one )
Reynbow, you have some awesome skills. I'm not going to request a signature(due to how busy you already look), but I will ask you two things. What do you use? and would you like to give me some tips? Anyways, thanks Reynbow. P.S. I LOVE Matty's Sig. It's so purty.
rusty's sig request I finally decided to drop in and I'm really excited. Do you do professional work, because if you don't you should. Anyways onto the siggy. - Sig Colors- Name on sig- rusty eagle Slogan - ...the eagle is always watching... Main Color - Goldenrod Yellow Secondary Colors - White and Blue Main Style - Switching to sword while jumping in the air - Spartan Color and Perms- Head - Default Right Shoulder - Hayabusa Left Shoulder - Ipod Chest - CQB Primary Color - Yellow Secondary Color - Blue Armor Detail - Blue Here is a link to a post where if you scroll down to the end I am on the right - Link I like what you did with the medals in the name. However, instead of a medal I would like to have a forge monitor with eagle wings. Beneath the left wing could be the word rusty and beneath the right wing could be eagle. As for the pose, I like clouds and it goes with being an eagle, so maybe a cloud theme with a little rust in there for effect. Also I am not sure if the slogan would be cool or not so maybe two versoins? One with the slogan and one without? Font Thanks in advance!
- Sig colours - black, green- any other colors that look good Name on Sig - Knight Kninja Slogan - Even heroes fall Main colour - black Secondary colours - maybe a neon green or white. surprise me Main Style - hmm? hardcore, maybe an action shot. futuristic a possibility -font- 28 days later from il post a link to the download soon. size-default style- i guess complex. or whatever looks good EDIT: sorryfor the bold font. its cause i copied your template.. but anyways i decided on this picture for my sig: i know it is a card but it was all i could find. if you could somehow get that girl for the sig picture that would be cool. otherwise its up to you and roche.. i downloaded your font cause its sweet. can i use it?
ahhh i dont know :'D which do you think would be the best? EDIT: just do the first one. (not the one i provided the pic for.) whats your opinion anyways? P.S Thank you times millyunz
Rusty should get moved to the top of the list. He is in desperate need of a good sig. Dont listen to that 'monitor with wings' crap, hes chasing dreams.
lets hope i do this right.. Name on Sig - sugaballa99 Slogan - Main colour - Red Secondary colours - Yellow? Whatever you think will look the best Main Style - Hardcore intenseness, not really like softy butterfly flowery ya know? If wanting a Spartan Model Head - ODST Body - Hayabusa LS - Hayabusa RS - ipod one Primary Colour - Silver Secondary Colour - Red Detail Colour - Red Medal:Laser Weapon : Laser Secondary Weapon: BR i tried to give you some more details in case, you know. your work is amazing
- Sig colours - Text - GoodWhaleSushi for Loyal 08 Main colour - Anything Secondary colours - Anything - Font Used - Font - Anything suitable - Signature size - Size - Default Style - Awesome. (Non-halo. Find something cool for me(A picture of Sushi or maybe a Jet Set Radio Future character for me)) - Avatar - Avatar - Yes
seriously, i dont know what's inspiring you to make sigs for people out of good will but i love it. this is a really cool thing you're doing and i think it deserves official status
- Sig colours - Name on Sig -The Demonata Slogan -No Pain, No Glory Main colour -Red Secondary colours -Gold Main Style -Ice Medal- Snipe - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head -EOD Body -EVA LS -EOD RS -EOD Primary Colour -Blue Secondary Colour -White Detail Colour -Silver Emblem- , top left. - Weapons - Weapon-Sniper Rifle - Font - Chipsinabox one please. You're awesome man, can you make on with medal, and one without.
I'm tempted to ask for one because you're leaps and bounds ahead of me in sig making (well I use GIMP so I can use that as a crutch...right? Am I right? No? Ok.). Any tips?
Well I guess for tips I can tell you what I did. I justed followed some tutorials to help me figure out how Photoshop works then just messed around a lot. After a while you start to see how it does it's thing and yeah... I Don't know really. =] You wouldn't happen to have a larger version, I can use this one but it may not turn out all so well. But it should be fine. I was going to say the first one, without the provided picture. =P Haha the Monitor with wings is an interesting request xD Well thankyou very much Chuck =] Glad I can do something people like so much =D Tips? Photoshop =P I realise people would disagree with that, but I much prefer Photoshop. I could never get the hang of GiMP... =\ Tutorials help a lot =D
I'm not going to quote you because that was very long. Anyways thanks for the tip I think, tutorials are a huge help, although I havn't came across many good ones lately. Have a suggestion for a site you use? I already use,, and They, at the moment are all failing me.
Random googled ones, nothing specific. Although I did use PSDTUTS a while back. Last tutorial site I've been to. (I don't use tuts for the sigs)