"Mankind must put an end to war, before war puts an end to mankind"- JFK Age Of War by Indecent Values Backstory Spoiler One day whilst driving home from Tampa, my car broke down. Oh how wonderful that was, being three hours away from home and having a broken down car. Well, while i let my parents deal with it, I decided to think up of map ideas. As I pondered, Jesus, Allah, and Yahweh came to me with crucial information. As I thought I was going to be the new prophet, the information was not far off. They told me to make an invasion gametype where each new phase advanced through the 'ages'. Taking their advice, I began to design the map and create the gametype, which led to this awesomesauce today. Now, Age of War is an invasion game in which the opposing teams fight through a different age every phase. Beginning in the medieval era, all the way to modern warfare, ending in a disastrous battle over a puddle of water. LET THA BATTLE FOR TIME BEGIN! Phase 1 The battlefield for phase 1 is a plain, with a castle lying on top of the hill on the far side of the plain. The Defenders spawn inside of the castle with all of their 'aid' already spawned, for they only have two mongooses. The Elites or attackers have a catapult that spawns after two minutes and two mongooses that spawn after one minute. Here is the Spartan Castle: Here is the Elite Plain: Now, each team's loadout is the same throughout each of the phases. For weapons different than the initial loadouts, the players must pick them up by their base. For phase 1, The Elites have a 'War' hammer by their mongooses and the spartans have a hammer inside the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith shop is one of the two places that the Elites can conquer. The other is the stables, where the Spartans' mongooses lie. Blacksmith: Stable: The battle may last long (4 minutes) or may be as quick as me having sex (No, really). But, as we all know, each age ends with a bang. Sadly shortly after the attackers conquer the castle, the black plague comes in to pick up the rest. RIP young warriors. Phase 2 You're new assignment is to either defend the drug cartel, or blow it to pieces. We know that the special forces are coming in, for this is possibly the biggest cartel known to man kind. The cartel shipment lays inside of a boat docked by the lighthouse, and after the smugglers saw the special forces's plane deploying soldiers, they were quick to shoot it down. All you will be equipped with is an assault rifle or a magnum, with some other guns around your bases. Use them to your advantage, and fight hard soldiers! Over and out. The Battlefield: The Special Forces drop zone: The smugglers' spawn: The Cartel: Each soldier owes a battle their lives, yet will you be the one to cheat death? Defend the cartel or destroy it, and let no enemy live! Yet again humanity is struck by death. This time man made, then nuke falls from the sky claiming the lives of those who lived past the destruction of the cartel. What have we come to? Phase 3 War has now reached its final chapter, for the earth is dying due to the excessive radiation of the nukes. The only water around for miles is hidden in the vault and under control of the Spartans, and the Elites want it bad. Real bad. All you have in the new age is a spiker, a plasma rifle, or a plasma repeater. It's not the most advanced stuff, but it's the only weaponry we have in the vault. By the way, it's dark inside the cave. If you don't like the dark, bail out now. The Objective and Spartan Spawn: The Elite Spawn: Fight hard, fight long, never give up! This is the final step to the path to victory! TL;DR: -Begin in medieval times, stab people, get territories. -Advance to modern times, shoot it up, blow up drugs. -End in post-apocolyptic times, gimme dat water. In summary, i have overall enjoyed making this map and testing it with all of those who helped. The map took a few days to build, but over a month to perfect. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I have to thank all of those who helped along the way, whether it was with testing or with ideas on stages. Thanks all! Incase you missed it: Download Map Download Gametype
love the whole idea and concept! It has a well put together story and is all very fun to play, however I do wish to see you make a similar game like this without all the different stories. I do love this Invasion map and how different it is from other maps. Hope to see more cool stuff like this by you!
So you finally posted this. I had a really awesome time playing and testing this. The idea is so fresh and unique. I whole first phase with just swords and hammers? Ne'er been done before. The aesthetics are also just amazing. The only thing I don't like about the map is the fact that a teleporter spawns after the end of the first phase, but tere isn't really a way to fix that. Overall, really good job.
Yes! It is finally posted!! Im very glad that the map is complete, and all of the testing is done! I am also glad to see all the hard work that you put into this map, finaly payed off! Lets talk about the map. I loved the idea of having 3 stages of war, but i never thought that it would become such a good map too. From the map and the aesthetics, to the gameplay, it all flows nicely. You made the map play in perfectly to the time period(medieval swords, current drugs, and post apoctoliptic water) I also see that you made some little changes to the map, looks good! Now on to the thread. First, I laughed at the begining note. About your car and all, i remeber you texting me when that happened. Anyway, the thread turned out very nicely. Great discriptions, backstories, and pictures. I see that you used some of your own pictures, not all mine lol. I am sorry i couldn't get you the video for the map, my cap wasn't good enough quality. Overall, great job with the map. I can remember when you were first putting up the walls, I am just glad i could be a part of this. I hope all your hard work pays off, and gets the attention you deserve. Great job!
Looks like a good map with aesthetics but Im confused about the idea and how you get from each objective...
Anime Halo, You advance through the phases by either killing each other and respawning or through tragic, historicl events (aka kill barriers, one soft, one solid) Now that that has been awnsered. I really do enjoy this game, honestly I do. The first two phases are a map of their own and were fantastic to play on. I only say the first two because when I played this you were still trying to make the last phase. I still don't know why you choose to have the future phase fight over a puddle? No really kewl medication or data or spaceship or something? Na, I keed, I keed. It's funny just alittle confusing to new(b) players. Anyway I hope you get as many downloads as you desire =)
I somewhat agree with the top user. If you still have blocks and budget, at least make some futuristic ships and stuff by the puddle of water...
You're in a bomb shelter after the nuke. They had asked me to change the phase to star wars like battles, and I have addressed reasons why. This is because of budget and the fun factor of the phase. Please read the thread and play before complaining about something.
Ok, I downloaded it, it looks awesome, but I want to play the map with you in say 6 Hours?? EDIT: Also, is there a teleporter that automaticly moves you to the next phase or something. You know, useing spawn time...
Wow. I playing this before from a friend, and I absolutly loved it. Definitly a unique invasion game. And the feeling of going through the ages kind of reminds me of that old Conquest map, "Time Capsule" even though this is invasion. Love the map and gametype.
It's a genius map- it's come a long way since I first tested it with you months ago. The first hand-to-hand phase is mad fun. Ps. I loved your TLDR!!!!!