Remake UNSC The Autunm 117

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Forever Forge, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    hello, forever forge here, today/tonight have a awesome map made by me again. so download,rate,comment and more

    here is where the falcans spaw. witch you can drive to the autunm:

    here is where you enter the autunm:

    here is where you land you falcan!:

    this is the hanger:

    Here are is the ground velicle hanger bay:

    here is where the small velicles spawn:

    im really sorry i wanted to stick in hallways aswell as teleporters. but i had no more resources so i had to. but heres a classic door:

    here is Captain Keeys Cockpit :D its well created so hope you enjoy the best room in the house:
    #1 Forever Forge, Mar 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2011
  2. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    The map looks very good. But you should work on your grammar man... But I still understand everything XD
    #2 mati1501, Mar 26, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2011
  3. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    i no trying 2 make it shorter man
  4. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    nice map dud but can we have a pic showing the outside ship fully. The interior looks nice but I think that it would be nice to show us the exterior as well.
  5. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    sue trust me it looks frigen awesome try it ur self u will love the back of it on th out side m8
  6. draco dragon

    draco dragon Ancient

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    worst map ever

    ok... honestly i can say that this map sucks i took a look and here are the flaws: 1. its lopsided. 2. there are teleporters connecting the parts of the ship. 3. there was no steering wheel in the pillar of autumn. 4. the bridge is in the mac cannon. 5. there's no mac cannon on the remake. 6. the vehicle bay is on the top of the ship... why the hell is it up there? 7. you never took the time to fix this atrocity. 8. there's parts of the ship sticking out of it! 9. and finally YouTube - YOU FAILED!
  7. BiaxialEMPEROR

    BiaxialEMPEROR Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay. As harshly as Draco puts it, every point he makes is valid. The ship looks decent on the outside(jutting edges aside) but the interior is just facepalm worthy(facepalming as I write this, btw). A land vehicle bay would logically be closer to the ground on a ship this size in order to be functional, unless you have a dropship capable of dropping a tank(which you don't in forge world). The teleporters eat up more budget than they're worth and break any sense of connectivity your map has(it just feels like a set of disconnected rooms set up in the ship's shape) and honestly make the map feel lesser than it already is.

    It's obvious that you've at least played Halo 1(right?) so you should already know the bridge is in the wrong place, and that there is no steering wheel in said bridge, as that is a control mechanism that would never function well in a spaceship, especially one of frigate-class or greater.

    I'd be glad to provide some fine examples of shipbuilding(both my and various others' contributions to the forgehub fleet) in the list below:

    Some of my favs here:

    AIS Quintessence
    UNSC Firefight
    The Fifth Column
    UNSC Magnitude
    UNSC Horn of Plenty

    My body of work(Public Release)

    UNSC Korolev

    UNSC Daedalus

    There's a few mistakes here and there in these contributions, but they are some of the finest examples of shipbuilding I've seen so far. Download them, learn from them, and improve. You have a good start, but you must learn how to perfect your ability.

    And for whatever you pray to's sake, fix up your grammar. It helps you to not sound like an idiot when you use proper grammar.
  8. CrAbC8k3

    CrAbC8k3 Forerunner

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    Wow nice. It's so hard to find a good map of the whole ship. Great job man. How long did it take you build it? I tried to make one like this but had to quit because it just took to long and to much budget.
  9. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    glad you enjoyed

    people say it takes 2 weeks to build a map but it took me 4-5 hours to make
  10. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    well, I feel draco was a little harsh. this isnt the best ship ive seen, but it most definitely isnt the worst. i would probably have better things to say if you called this an original design instead of a remake, because its not exactly an accurate representation of the Pillar of Autumn. i'll explain what makes it good and what needs improvement.

    1. accuracy. if you're gunna put hours and hours into making a map, designed to look and feel like a "real" (i'm using real liberally here, i mean a pre-established design) ship, then you should have picture reference and then check for accuracy as you go. i think that you could have done a lot better here if you had paid attention and not winged it.

    2. pieces should be chosen to fit. usually, i'll start with putting the floor down, to get an accurate idea of how much space im gunna have to work with, scale, etc.. then, id start making the outside, and change the floorplan accordingly. this gives me a good feel for the budget and what im gunna have to cut out of the design. however, ill admit a huge freaking ship like the autumn is a different story, because you cant include everything. if you make another (or redo this), id determine what parts of the ship i wanted accessible first. then, id choose a starting point (say, the bridge), and loosely construct that first. then, work backwards from there, making the outside and then filling it in with what you can.

    finally, as several people before me said, general rule of thumb is no teleporters, half the fun of the ship is making it feel real and flow and teleports break that up.

    overall, not bad, but there's room to improve. i know my first forge ship sucked, but i didnt upload it. just pay a little more attention and put in a little more care and i think you could make a really good ship.

    oh, but definitely invest in spell check or something. if you want people to read the thing, make it... readable. anyways, keep forging, i look forward to seeing anything else you make.
  11. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    Okay people i will Redo the map. im gonna fix the bits that are sticking out like this grumpy Guy Over Here

    And im gonna add hallways okay, PLUS for a bonus im gonna add in a weapon room so are you guys happy!!! ????

    [​IMG] <-- Mr Grumpy

    Draco stop! because you don't even have a map!

    and also, people are talking about my grammar. my gammar is very good. well its because im trying to type realy fast, So please stop moaning. I will sort that out

    Edited by merge:

    okay people i give up

    1) my gammar's bad (Well it is'nt, i can type fast and im pretty sure im aloud to make mistakes)

    2) Draco A.K.A Mr Grumpy Has told me my map sucks (well guest What Mr.[​IMG] Theres going to be a update. rooms, hallways, amoury, and more!

    Grab you short and make sure they don't fall down cause theres gonna be a huge update people, huge update starting 4:00 Pm (UK) Time
    #11 Forever Forge, Mar 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
  12. draco dragon

    draco dragon Ancient

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    i agree with you and i was harsh but when i see something like that it just disgusts me on how bad remakes can get, im not saying its the worst but it is bad

    Edited by merge:

    im grumpy? im not grumpy im just telling you the flaws with your map, and it does suck if you have it set up like this, why dont you go and watch the opening scene from halo 1 and actually pay attention and find out where the bridge really is, put in the mac cannon, move the vehicle bay to the bottom of the ship, and put in the hallways, also remove the noble team symbol in the hangar it removes the whole pillar of autumn feeling your going for
    #12 draco dragon, Mar 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2011
  13. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

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    look at these models of halcyon cruisers (the Pillar of Autumn is a Halcyon cruiser)
    maybe you get some inspiration by these maps...

    Pillar of Autumn 2.0
    the most accurate model for the outside as far as i know

    UNSC Pillar of Autumn
    this one's really good too.

    UNSC Dawn Under Heaven
    last but not least this my creation of a halcyon
  14. Forever Forge

    Forever Forge Forerunner

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    cnt update people because i have problems cause my 360 broke so i had to get a new one but there will be a frigate uploaded

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