This question is primarily about Halo 3, but I felt that I should place it here because of two reasons: -Not that many people go into the Halo 3 section anymore. -This would ultimately help me towards the reconstruction of my old H3 maps unto Reach. Problem: So I was one of those people that realized that they were going to need a new Xbox for the arrival of Halo: Reach. And when I got my new slim, I recovered my GT and gave my old Xbox to my brother. Anywho, lately he has been bugging me about the lack of memory, so I finally decided to transfer all of my Halo 3 files onto my slim using a 4g flashdrive. Unfortunately, it said that I couldn't transfer the files because the profile was unknown. So I moved my GT to the flashdrive, and connected it to my brother's XBOX to see if it recognized my profile. It did. But it still didn't allow me to transfer because it said that I can't transfer files between accounts, even though it recognized the profile. SO does anyone have a clue as to how to fix this so I can transfer all of my Halo 3 files to my slim?
Transfer cables. If they made them available for upgrading hard drives, I'm pretty sure they make them for this exact purpose also. You can (or used to be able to) get a free one by calling tech support, and saying you need one badly.