Hey guys, I haven't played Reach for about a month - and i was wondering if there were any completive maps that showcase concussion jumps or evade ramps? I think they would be a great way to introduce a new element of map control and break up the pew pew long-range dmr fests.
If I understand the evade ramps you're talking about, then yes. I've implemented a few of them into one of my more causal competitive maps. And they do provide a great way to allow players to gain a height advantage while being creative.
NeXn has a map where a platform is only accessible with a concussion rifle jump. It works well, I can imagine evade jumps playing much better though.
The general downside to putting things like that in is that people with jetpacks just use that to get up there, and can do so without taking damage or wasting ammo. When you put things like this into your map you need to consider all armor abilities rather than just one. I don't mean to discourage you, because like nibs said they can be a good thing but don't go filling your map with concussion rifle jumps and evade ramps.
@Rorak hes the guy who made the UT inspired duel map right. Figures hed do something like that, I'll have to DL when I get live again.. @Pyro Jetpacks are retarded imo and shouldn't even be in matchmaking. But yes you are right if such a map was played with regular slayer with all loadouts they would be pointless. My thoughts where to have a sprint start and the player who controls the evade has better control over the map not just has a different AA, increasing its value. You know what I mean? Also I think your looking at con jumping wrong. Just like evade ramps it open up new paths to your objective (killing) and makes you less predictable. For example imagine if you could con jump up to the second floor on zealot (you can’t obviously) and not use the prescribed paths and lifts. It might give you the edge by surprising the enemy or gaining a better weapon ect. Con jumps in Reach would only ever be used in this manner because yes you do damage your regenerating shields and waste ammo so obviously it’s a risk vs. reward tactic. (In comparison to Quake RJing which enables you to dodge attacks..)
Evade ramps are fun, I have a few on my up and coming map that lets you get from the bases to top mid almost instantly if you're good.
If you want just straight up jumping maps, you should probably check out trick jumping forums. I'll send you a link as a message if you'd want? I don't want to advertise or anything. But if you are looking for competitive maps that use it in, that's just for you to find. Trick jumps aren't usually put in on purpose. They're usually are player found.
I’m talking about the complete opposite purposing placing 'trick jumps' to create movement. I think your referring to things like getting onto the red base on asylum for example. I appreciate the invite man but no thanks
Luca It's not released yet, but as mentioned earlier, it has multiple concussion rifle jumps and one platform that is only accessible by concussion jumping. The platform basically acts as a direct counter to the high catwalk. I really like your mindset for 1v1. You should drop by this thread over at the MLG forums. We're discussing a standard competitive 1v1 gametype, and a lot of what you're talking about has been put to use in the current map pool, such as concussion jumping, sprint start with a single evade as a controllable armor pickup, and some maps even put evade jumping to use. Seriously would recommend you drop by.
I agree evade jumps are fun, Instead of just a area you can get to only by evade jumping I would rather just place a lump/small ramp that has no other effect besides allowing evade jump from here to there. The funnest ones are the unintended evade jumps like in Paradiso you can evade from middle base towards the grenade launcher spawn and land safely just outside.
YouTube - None of the Above:: The First Halo Reach Beta TrickJumping Video!! I'm talking about tactical trick jumping we were doing in the beta, shown in this videos. Or this kind of map. YouTube - Halo Reach Trick Jumping Tutorial - Episode 1 : Evade Jumping [200 & 300 Sub Special!] YouTube - Jump Tactics :: Brute Force - A Halo: Reach Trick Jumping Video If you are talking about putting in tactical jumps to help players move around the maps, it would be just like the first video. Tactical jumps are something for the player to create themselves. They have to manage finding their own ways. Just like in this video. I'm sure bungie didn't put this in expecting players to do it, but we found it and we use it to our advantage. YouTube - Matchmaking Jump: Purple lift - Triple fail OR YouTube - Matchmaking Jump: Plat - Attic Sorry for all the videos. I just want to know what yo are getting at so that I can direct you the right way.
@NeXn Thankyou that is the best Reach related thread I have ever read. I’m glad people are trying to conceive a completive 1v1 because the skill ceiling is so low in terms of actual fighting in Reach, 1v1's especially only come down to map knowledge and control. I really hope a good 1v1 gets off the ground. The problem with these ideas is the regular Halo player might find the ideas to foreign and reject them which is semi demonstrated in this thread. Also Luca looks badass Central lift inspired by Quake maps by any chance? @WWW maybe my image was a bit too radical but you idea of 'evade jump[ing] from here to there.' is exactly what I’m talking about - A faster way around a map. People underestimate how powerful Evade actually is.