If anyone has a decent sized clan, or is one. Please recruit me. Preferably a competitive one that is involved in game battles. My gamer tag is "Really Caboose" If i need to try out or you need to see what I'm like, just hit me up. Here are a few of my games Thanks. <3
Gameplay footage would probably be a bit more useful than a couple of stats pages. It's impossible to know what went on in those games, and whilst the stats were impressive, I've had games like that and well beyond just through people being awful or even AFK. Even just a couple of clips, since whole games are often harder to get rendered/capped, would give more of an impression of how you actually play. Best of luck finding a clan though.
I should be capturing a couple of games in the next week or so, if you wana shoot me a link I could definitely add it on. Can't guarantee a date but I'll send you a link when it's uploaded to my Youtube.
Whatever you want tbh, clips are shorter to capture and upload but full games will give people a better idea of how you play. But either way, I'm not really fussed so it's up to you.
I only actually have like two or three games saved.. i guess I'll just send you a few clips from those then.
I've got a clan message me. It's called Revolution of Gaming as long as you have a mic you can join. GT: Enraged Lion
I run a clan, but, admittedly, we're recovering from a massive drop in the percent of members. We do objective gameplay, and used to do gamebattles. We'vve been meaning to get back into it, but hardly anyone is interested in doing so. Anyway, I won't say much more, since it may be considered advertising if I do so. If you're interested, send me a message (preferably on XBL, but FH works too).
For the love of god (and my eyes) please never take pictures of your TV again. You can get individual game stats on Bungie.net and put up links where we can actually see what was happening in the game a bit more clearly.
I didn't take those pictures just for this thread. They were just on my facebook and it was a lot easier just to grab those. If i cared about it more, i would have done it the cleaner way. <3 *Also, the individual stats for each game really don't say much from a screen shot. You would have to get multiple pictures from one game to come even remotely close to anything of a clear description.