FOUNTAINHEAD THE LINK FOR THIS MAP IS NOW BROKEN. APOLOGIES FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. FOUTAINHEAD IV IS COMING SOON AND ADDRESSES ALL ISSUES BROUGHT UP IN THE POSTS! KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE MUCH IMPROVED VERSION IN THE COMING DAYS! -ATLAS (THE NEW VERSION CAN BE FOUND IN MY FILESHARE A FULL POST WILL BE PUT UP IN A FEW DAYS) IMPORTANT NOTE: Changes have been made to the map due to the great suggestions I've received all links will now take you to the newest version of the map.Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to see screenshots of the changes made. Thank you to everyone for their advice and I hope to receive more for the newest version! 2nd Edit: I've received some excellent help from Preacher001 so an extra thank you to him! He took a look at my second edit and believed that I took things a little to far with the cover and I tend to agree. What can I say it seemed like a good idea at the time. So the map has moved back closer to it's original form with some exceptions. Changes have been made and cover has been added just not as much as I originally through in there. It looks like my map again and I thank Preacher for helping me take a step back and not rush a drastic change. You can still scroll down to the bottom to see the changes that have been made and I will continue to work on the map to try to improve it in anyway I can. One change not shown at the bottom is the sniper stand has been raised slightly so players can take cover behind it in the middle. Also I'm only keeping one updated version of the map and that is the one without the next gen effect. The download link at the top will take you too the newest version of the map. Again thanks to everyone for your great input! Fountainhead is a map that I've been working on for a couple weeks now. In it's first stage the map was about 25% smaller. After some testing with friends it was quickly apparent that the map need to be extended a little and with each new piece placed the map seem to come together and has turned out better than I could have hoped. One of my favorite parts of this map is the players ability to reach anywhere he wants to from any level in multiple paths. It cuts down on much of the camping that can occur in the game. The top floor is by far the largest and contains the spawns for both teams as well as most of the objectives. The sniper rifle lies in the middle of the top floor and two DMRs sit on two of the sides. The middle floor contains two more DMRs and the shotgun placed in the middle. It contains ramps to both the other levels as well as two quick drop down points to the bottom level. On the bottom level you will find two needlers and the sword room. The bottom floor again contains ramps to the middle and the top floors. It also contains Man Cannons on both sides that can instantly move you to the top floor. You gain speed but sacrifice cover from behind you as you reach the top. The map is set up to support FFA, Team Slayer, Juggernaut, Stockpile, CTF, Multiteam, Oddball, King of the Hill, Big Team Slayer, and Infection. The download link contains the map as it aesthetically is intended. However you can also download a copy of the map without the effects to cut down on lag for poor connections. You can download the effects free version here. I also have a walkthrough and gameplay video you can view... here The video begins with a walkthrough in the full version of the map and continues with gameplay from the no effects version. This is my first forged map so I hope you enjoy and any feedback is greatly Appreciated! CHANGES MADE The sword structure at the bottom has been lowered to allow for more easily seeing and crossing the room. You can also now jump through where the sword sits to more quickly cross the room Also the man cannons have been lowered for a smoother look. The side landing platforms have been moved closer to the center of the map and given a more streamlined look. Railing have been added to further this effect. Cover has been added to the top of the walkways leading to the platforms and the bottom of the walkway has had a 'support' added to cut off some cross map sight lines. Some cover has been added to the bases as well. I will continue to test out different forms of cover for other areas and will update as soon as possible. Again thank you to all who have left their supportive comments and suggestions! -Atlas
Wow, usually i hate maps that have a bunch of platforms and bridges, but somehow i really like this map. I think the layout of the middle and the spawning area is cool. Things i don't like is the awkward platforms on the sides. A way to fix, is to have it not come out so far. Other than that, I like this map. Good job.
I haven't yet played a match on this level but I have just completed a walkthrough and it looks looks like it will be a good match for my gamestyle. I do have a couple minor recommendations. I'm not sure how you play but for me I like constant motion and I feel that the sword location pretty much stops me in my tracks. It's like if you were to set up a hospital emergency room with the gloves on the top shelf. I'm not sure how much it affects your overall visual style but I found that by dropping the Sword stand down just enough to comfortably clear it, I could still enjoy the design and more importantly the purpose of it. I find that dropping the canon men so that the metal rim just sinks into the deck doesn't affect gameplay and appears remotely cleaner. I agree with Jgarb that you have some ramp issues but I'm not as affected by how far they come out, more how long a few of them are. I'm not sure what the best method to break this up would be but I do feel it could use something. I hate getting killed on long ramps. Maybe flip the long ramps and throw in a pillar mid way to duck behind? In the meantime I'll probably cheat and bump the speed up to 120% as a temporary fix. Thx for the map, Preacher001
Wow... Lockout and costruct had a baby. I like the map and I hate to say the same thing everyone else is saying but the outside platforms need an edit. I would suggest the top sides platform being bigger and higher than the sniper in order to increase risk vs reward. Also on the long straight platforms i suggest something wider like the Brace, Large and then use tunnels and 1x1 tall and thin in the middle to make LOS (line of sight) blockers.
This looks like a very nice map. Its big enough for all these gametypes and probably plays great. But in my opinion I think you should put more cover and more props. It would look way nicer. That is just my opinion though. I dont know if this is suppose to be a open map but it looks great. Nice vid, pics and description about the map. I will download it thumbs up.
good forging but it seems like alot of other maps ive seen. and there are alot of openings. so by the time i take 2 steps on a bridge ill get shot. possibly killed. but great job. i give this map a HIGH 7/10
This map is awesome exept one thing... the colorblin effect i think you should remove it :S other than that, a splendid map!
Thank you all for your suggestions, I've updated the map and hope it fixes the issues every one brought up! At Raportoieon, There is also an effect free version of the map. The link is in the post or you can find it in my fileshare. Thanks to everyone again, and please leave comments on how you feel about the changes!
From the video, I can see that you spawned facing nothing a couple of times. This is bad, since the player has nothing to orientate themselves on and must focus on finding a path rather than combat, making the spawn unintuitive. When you're placing the spawn points, always make sure that there's a point of the map where players can orientate themselves from, so that they can get into combat instantly rather than change direction a couple of times, like you did in your video.
Thanks Matt I'm going to try to fix that while keeping the spawn somewhat the same I've yet to have any problem with spawn killing in the map and I really want to keep it that way lol No need to have another Pinnacle. Also an idea I had that I wanted to run by other users is what if I moved the map down to the water and use rock formations to give cover on some of the longer ramps? It could solve the problem while keeping the map aesthetically pleasing