and here is another version of the same map with less power weapons and no fx ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no-fx-less-power-weapons-no-lights a symmetrical map as told in the pictures bellow i tried for a more colorful muti-level map with plentiful ways to move around making finding your foes easy and quick, none stop battle from start to finish. plz leave feedback! 1X SNIPER RIFLE - 180s 1X ROCKET LAUNCHER - 180s 2X GRENADE LAUNCHER -135s (note: only one in version without fx and lights) 6X DMR - 30s 6X NEEDDLER RIFLE -30s 2X SHOTGUN - one clip -130s 2X CONCUSSION RIFLE -two clips- 130s (note: only one in version without fx and lights) 4X NEEDDLER - 30s 4X SPIKER - 30s 2X AR - 30s 2X MAGNUM - 30s 2X PLASMA PISTOL - 30s 1X HAMMER - 180s 2X PLASMA REPEATER - 30s 2X PLASMA RIFLE - 30s 8X PLASMA NADE - 15s 4X FRAGS - 15s This is them main purple room rockets spawn in the back. turn around and you see the way to yellow room where sniper lays also colored floor tiles to see which ways, to which base a bit more to your right you find away up to top mid if you used the gravity lift your are now in top mid as seen below middle also hammer spawn little back allies to move swiftly to take down hammer back base from yellow lets you take a high rode or a low one for a few nades also if you look up you can see a colored ceiling to know which base your at bottom base grav lift to take you up to top base or you can just use the ramp that has a hidden shotgun once you find your way up from lift or ramp you find yourself in top base where theirs a dmr find your way back in the yellow room you find a nice 3 clip sniper turn around you have many way to go either base top hammer or even straight threw to purple
Ok maybe it is just a thing I have but I HATE fx it hurts my eyes. With me fx turns a good map into instant trash. Also I havent tried it yet but lights can cause some frame rate if you have any they are the coperate.
ok the map has some nice aesthetics but you have this map overpowered with power weapons...I suggest that you remove some of the weapons so the map can play better...
sorry dude but you are just wrong. not only is the map creative its clean and fun to play on, don't down a map when you haven't even played it this map is far from bad. [br][/br]Edited by merge: low clips size keeps them from being over powered, nuff said take a look at board walk's weapon set and its in matchmaking! [br][/br]Edited by merge: i was trying to go for a darker feel around the map yes fx are hard on the eyes sometimes as for the lights they do come with some fr issues but if you keep them far for echother you'll be fine [br][/br]Edited by merge: and here is another version of the same map with less power weapons and no fx : Halo Reach : File Details ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no-fx-less-power-weapons [br][/br]Edited by merge: also if you don't like what you have on the map feel free to change it in forge after all thats what it is for right?
Personally I really like the effects, it gives the map a unique atmosphere. As for the weapons, you may or may not have too many power weapons but you definitely have too many random weapons scattered all over the place. The layout is pretty good but I really like some of the structures and corridors. Nice work.
thanks it always feels great when someone like my work, is a new version of this map with less weapons but i just have not posted it yet. if you ever want some custom games just send me a fr my friends and i are always playing custom games
There is a button on your keyboard called shift. Use it. Also, I have to say that adding the second version made it nicer in my opinion. My friends and I are constantly playing Slayer on maps from FH, so I'll check it out.
Tenshi you finally got around to posting this map!! We played alot of customs on this one. I always had fun playing Team Slayer and Multiflag CTF on this map. I played Perception alot when there was a turret in the Low Central Room, and the bases of the map were extended out further. This version of the map however is much more streamlined and the gameplay really benifits from the changes. The layout is solid and makes encouters different in every part of the map. I really like how you expanded the maps Upper Central Room from just those Hemorrhage bases into what it is now. The aesthetics in the Skylight Halls looks really cool in game too. The maps atmosphere always lets you orientate yourself after you respawn. Weapons never dominated the map or seem scattered around. Awesome map!! -BORG
I like how the map feels and plays. The dark purple lighting is very toning to the map and gives it a almost combat evolved feeling to me. I think there are too many weapons personally. Besides that great map!
@borg k79 Thanks for the great review, i am gald you liked it. I did spend a few weeks working on this map with all the play testing and changes over and over again. With this one i feel like i found a good balance for all kinds of players, the hardcore and the casual. also i went for a close range as well long range fighting for this map, and a more pleasing map to look at. i do it for the community! @sugar thank you, i am glad you noticed i tried to go for a CE feel. There are a lot of weapons but as you know most will get passed over. thanks