OH MA GAWWWDDD "Is it a bird?" "IS IT A PLAYN?" "NO ITS A ****ING TOAD, ON A ****ING MONGOOSE! YOU STUPID FUC...." "Dude.. seriously?" "am supa srs bro" Lesson learnt: Toads can motherfucking fly...
Noooo the sentence was chopped down from "You stupid ****ing piece of ****." because the other guy interrupted him. SO NER! Also, **** is getting changed <3
ZOMG, I FINALLY SCORED AND I WAS GONNA COME FIND THIS THREAD TO RANT ABOUT IT, but it seems to have found me. I finally scored. You have to slow down your mongoose... "oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh..." No one ever told me that. I always hit the canyon wall above the coliseum .
Each to their own... However, considering you've just trolled 14 posts in a row, I highly doubt any of us will consider your future opinion of this minigame considering you've never played it, you don't know what it's about, and you only have a few pictures to base your opinion off.
the girl toad is toadette (Original, i know. it IS her name though) and she is prominently featured in 0 mainstream mario games. (mainstream as in the platforming mario games) but is one serious contender for some reason in all the games she IS in.
lol thanks for that insight of toadettes career in the mario games maverik Sky... it's not released yet. I'll give you a heads up via VM when it is out.
Oh boy. This is actually quite fun, except when I only have one other person on my team. The only time I've played this it was 2v5. It was fun, but like impossible for us two.