Toy Factory (Tetris)

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Darth Human, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Toy Factory (Tetris)
    2-16 players

    Introduction (and a little history):
    Toy Factory is a spinoff of the original Tetris from Halo 3. My past map “Tetris Remake” was an attempt to duplicate every element from my favorite mini game. But since forge has changed since halo 3, many problems surfaced as I began to test Tetris Remake. I eventually ended up updating it 5 times, with hardly any success. After that, I just concluded that it wasn’t possible to make a glitch free Tetris at least while keeping its main classic elements.

    Well after a few months, I have learned a lot more about forge and its mechanics. I went back and looked at Tetris Remake and kept thinking, there has got to be some way to bring back my favorite mini game. Well after a few sprinkles of magic, I was able to forge a new way to play Tetris, while keeping the basic elements from Tetris that people love most.


    How to play:
    The game starts out with one last man, while everyone else spawns as zombies. The goal for the last man is to eliminate all zombies before they manage to climb to the top. While each zombie must avoid being crushed by falling objects, they must also try not to get buried, all while racing against the clock.


    The human can kill zombies by dropping objects into the main chamber by flipping vehicles, and activating machines surrounding the chamber. Simply run into the red flashing light on the left side of every machine and this will allow a free flow of whatever that machine produces for 5 seconds. There are also two machines above the player that can only be activated by shooting the mines on the side.

    Obviously the number of items that are on the map may be a little more then what normal forge can allow. This is a glitch that I found, and as far I know, I am the only one that knows. I have also partially used this on my Team Donkey Kong map. If you want to see its true potential, AND how to do it, go ahead and check out the spoiler below:


    So this glitch only works for "grouped" items. This glitch also only works for items that can have the physical proporties of normal.

    So for example, under the catagory toys. You have dice that can free fall, along with other items like golf balls and soccer balls. This also includes explosives (heh I should upload that video, its crazy), barricades, crates, etc.

    Now after you have choosen your catagory, you must maximize the minimum count. So for example, for the best results for explosives, you must have 24 explosives on the map. Once you have accomplished this, change the minimum count to 24 under the adv. options. This will allow 24 of EVERY explosive. Now all you have to do is create one of every explosive available (delete some explosives to allow room). Then put every type of explosive on "fixed" in the air, then WITHOUT grabbing them, change the property to normal. Bump them or start a new round (make sure the minimum count is maxed) and tada, every explosive will spawn 24 of each (thats 144 explosives).

    I hope this all make sense to you guys. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. Happy forging!

    Once all zombies are eliminated, the round ends and the last man wins. But if a zombie manages to avoid being buried alive, and climb to the top, they can then jump into one of the four teleporters. A custom power up is activated, and then the player can pick up a rocket launcher and kill the last man. 5 points are earned and the round ends.

    Here is a video from my youtube channel "TheHaloForgeEpidemic":

    The Tetris chamber time sequence:


    At the beginning of each round the chamber is empty with no railings.

    2:00 remaining - railings appear along with a few plasma batteries


    1:30 remaining - Doors close and anyone below is blown up. If anyone survives, they are teleported to the top to die and their bodies fall into the chamber. Its quite entertaining.


    0:30 remaining - Railings appear along with 4 teleporters

    0:10 remaining - More plasma batteries fall down then doors close the remaining top half chamber

    Original Tetris Creator:
    #1 Darth Human, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Wow, this looks just like the original game. So there's vehicles, and some sort of mechanism that drops objects down? Genius. One thing I don't understand is the glitch you're talking about. Does it just allow more objects on map than normal, like vehicles or something? But anyway, the map looks like so much fun. Using windows to see the destruction below is a nice little touch, but does it cause lag like in H3? I can't wait to see how this plays.
  3. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Nope, this glitch does not include vehicles. However there is another entirely different glitch that can make more of specific vehicles (check out the spoiler below to see what I am talking about). And no, absolutely no lag. Played this with 16 player and still no lag at all.

  4. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    A good remake all in all. I assume it was very hard to remake it almost perfectly. My only question is why did you place a huge one way over the hole, when you had it perfect when they surrounded the outside like it was in Halo 3. Thats my only concern and I just question your choice
  5. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    In halo 3 the objects Meta used could only be moved by a warthog. To prevent the warthog from bouncing everywhere and to prevent it from going into the chamber, it made sense to have 1 way shields on each side. Now that I set up machines to do the hard work for you, there is no need for a warthog, and no need to have 1 way shield on every side. Instead I put it over the entire hole. This way the human can easily jump onto the shield and take a peek inside, to see who is dead, and where the remaining survivors are.
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And a hole surrounded by shield doors looks tacky as hell : P

    I understand the multiple-vehicle glitch, but how in the hell did you get instant respawning objects to fall from the sky? I'd assume it's something to do with two people and a Run Time setting, but I'd still like to be sure.

    If you're afraid of people "stealing" the idea, then send it to me in a PM. I don't make maps, but I'm still curious as to how you did that. Also, I'm downloading this.
    #6 Hogframe, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  7. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Thank you for bringing back this game from "Halo 3". I loved this map in "Halo 3" and I love sum of the things you did to make this look better in ascetics. Great map! :D
  8. A DIRTY HOBO 59

    A DIRTY HOBO 59 Ancient
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    I realy like the map its a great remake and i think you did a wonderful job by keeping the basic elements of the original in this remake. Also i have a map that i made which i think has good potential it took me hours to make but the problem is it requires alot of gulfballs and there are only 10 it would be great of you to share this glitch with the whole community so that more great maps could be made with this. I dont dee why you would want to keep such a wonderful find all to yourself.
  9. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    very nice map loved it in halo 3
    p.s can you tell us how to do that glich to get more warthogs? can you use it on other items?
  10. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    You do have a point... okay. I added instructions on how to do this glitch under the spoiler in the map description.
  11. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    He was already aware that I made Tetris Remake, he actually posted his thoughts in that thread. This map he is also aware. But you're right. I added credit to him in big font at the bottom of the map decription.
    #11 Darth Human, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2011
  12. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I just got done playing a 10 person game on this not to long ago and I have to say that this is really awesome. It's not too hard or easy for the Human to kill the Zombies, it is the perfect difficulty. I also found out how you did te instant respawnign thing, (you sneaky devil you). But I do have another question though. I noticed a small concave in one of the ramps and I wanted to know what that's for. Also, on the corners at the top, you can stand where the sides intersect. I don't know if that was planned but it helps the Zombies.
  13. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    The concave ramp spits out 3 plasma batteries before both the 1st section and the 2nd section of the chamber is closed.

    And I just went into forge and looked at what you were talking about. And you're right, you can barely step on the bare edges of some of the corners. In some ways it could be more dangerous because thats where objects fall from. But I will keep that in mind if I ever update it, but for now I don't plan too. Anyway, thanks for telling me.
  14. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Yeah this has to be one of my top 10 favorite maps on reach. The gameplay is nothing I have ever seen before and the mechanics are virtually flawless. The item glitch works perfectly on this and has been used to its full potential. On top of this the gameplay is rock solid. Balance is great as its fun to be both the zombies and the humans.

    I actually felt claustrophobic once when I was buried which is a true testament to the gameplay of this map. Its a desperate struggle to stay alive and it can be very rewarding when you get buried but somehow worm your way out. Othertimes when you dont make it you experience an awesome explosion and have your body rain down on survivors.

    Good times on this map
  15. Really Caboose

    Really Caboose Forerunner

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    This mini game is sexy.
    Nice work man. Some people were screaming from the excitement when i played haha.
  16. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Thank you very much for sharing!
    p.s Do you think it would work for cannon men if they where set to normal? / any other items normal items?

    thanks anyway, you have my dl.
    #16 mcclintonsl, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  17. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    No. They must be able to free fall. For some stupid reason, bungie decided to make some items "settle" in forge once they stopped moving. For example, any item under building blocks could be set to normal, and free fall once the player let go. But once they settled, thats where the item would stay and spawn. Like I said in the instructions, you must have the item to free fall from its spawn location by setting it to fixed in the air. Then set it to normal WITHOUT grabbing it. If this is done to building blocks, they DO NOT move, as if it were set to fixed, even if it says normal.

    And sadly this also applies to man cannons... If Bungie would just make all items like this, that would have made some awesome mini games. Imagine, a room filled with flying man cannons pushing eachother constantly. God that would be chaotic!
    #17 Darth Human, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  18. Mythic Jedi

    Mythic Jedi Forerunner

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    Great work on this map. I played it a couple of times in a lobby of yours. It was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. Nice concept and layout. You have my download. 10/10
  19. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    That's actually an incredible glitch. I just added it to Forge Tips and Tricks.

    I really love the idea of sending the bodies through the teleporter. It would be interesting to try giving people gravity hammers so they can somewhat rearrange the objects or dig themselves out of a hole. When I played trash compactor in Halo 3, people would often be trapped under objects making them essentially invincible. Although you have fixed that, it's nice not to be stuck under some crates for half the game; once you're dead at least you can watch other people.
    #19 pyro, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  20. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    They must be able to free fall. For some stupid reason, bungie decided to make some items "settle" in forge once they stopped moving. For example, any item under building blocks could be set to normal, and free fall once the player let go. But once they settled, thats where the item would stay and spawn. Like I said in the instructions, you must have the item to free fall from its spawn location by setting it to fixed in the air. Then set it to normal WITHOUT grabbing it. If this is done to building blocks, they DO NOT move, as if it were set to fixed, even if it says normal.

    ok thanks anyway awsome glitch though. :)

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