I had a lot of time to forge lately, here you can see the results of last month February and March. Picture 1 is from an Invasion Map I'm working on with a friend. We rebuild the map so many times and this time we are sure that we'll release it The other pictures are from two competitive Maps, a 2v2 Map and a 4v4 Map. The 2v2 Map is finished and already tested. The 4v4 Map is half finished, so far, it's too small for 8 people and I'm still trying to find a way to fix that
Looks good so far LD, always liked that architecture of yours. Get these posted, and welcome back by the way.
Mmmmmm this is pretty awesome. I recognize one of those and I kinda love it and stuff. I kinda want your xbox to be totally fixed, then mine to be totally fixed, then we can both make them awesome together. <3
holy ****. I am in love with this bridge. Is the bottom center part of the small circular ramp underwater? Spoiler
This. Seriously though the maps look great. I was lucky enough to test the second map and I think it's great. The last map is looking pretty sweet aswell. That area in the first picture looks phenomenal. Hope to see these maps released in the near future.
Pretty colorful thread ^^ You'll see my cleavage soon enough No it's no, I'm not a big fan of water, I rather have grass to make my maps more colorful. You can see the bottom part of the ramp in picture 5.