Spirit of the Fallen

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DeltaFoxtrot262, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    This map concept started as a general idea of building a Spirit Dropship. I then thought wouldn't it be cool if I could create spawns inside the dropship in order to simulate the ship actually dropping troops into battle? Eventually I will further expand the concept to include the Spirit Dropships as the enemy spawn and then the allied spawn will be opposite of them ultimately creating an invasion space with Spirits on one side and defenders on the other. Eventually this map will have 3 Spirit Dropships a few buildings with objectives in the middle and some bunkers on the opposite side to serve as the defenders spawn. For now though enjoy this preview of the Spirit Dropships:






    Shhhh...the Spirits are coming!

    This is the newly revised Spirit and beach invasion area (complete with a few vehicles and quick defense positions):

    This image is Green base which is the first line of defense in the form of beach bunkers:

    This image is the main spawn for the allied team which includes Red base (next to the satellite) and Blue base (the two buildings on the right). Eventually blue base will be a vehicle base with at least one falcon and possible either Warthogs or Mongeese.

    Now for the newly revised Defender bunkers and main spawn areas
    Firstly the newly added Tank Depot:

    Secondly the revised Red base and main Defender spawn (next to the satellite dish):

    Thirdly the newly revised Blue base (complete with Air and Warthog Depots):

    Lastly I finally built the large Spirit which serves as the main spawn for the Invasion team. I already completely rebuilt it twice and plan on revising again before I finally post it in the map section but here you go...so far...




    I also plan to eventually add a crashed UNSC ship of some kind (depending on remaining budget after building the main Spirit) in the middle of the invasion space to provide a kind of buffer between the Spirits at the beach and the main bases at the far end.

    To revise the above statement: Due to budget deficiency and poor planning on my part there is currently nothing in the middle area besides space. I ran out of cash. I'm currently trying my best to rework the map for budget reasons so I have more to work with. Also the map is mainly going to end up being used for Vehicle type heavy combat with limited small scale infantry combat (similar to special forces). Eventually I will post this map in the map section but I want to continue reworking it first. As always I'm open to any and all suggestions.

    Here's a brief description of the Spirit Dropship credited to Bungie.net:

    The Type-25 Troop Carrier (or T25 TC) is also known as the Spirit, although it is almost universally identified as troop carrier or dropship. It is capable of carrying up to 30 infantry and 2 vehicles. It is armed with one heavy plasma auto-cannon.
    #1 DeltaFoxtrot262, Mar 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
  2. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    isn't it sorta small for a dropship

    that said it is like those mini lego starwars models, puny but detailed and awesome
  3. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Yeah I made this one small because I wanted it to be just a hint of what's to come. Also I will eventually have 3 total but only one will big enough for spawning and the other two will be like this one in order to simulate one from a distance without actually being far away.
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For the sake of gameplay, do not revolve the entire map around those dropships.
  5. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Oh don't worry I've already started working on the other parts of the gameplay area. I added another small dropship to simulate distance and a few bunkers on the opposite side of the invasion area. The dropships are just aesthetic details to simulate an invading army. The big one I'm going to make will again be aesthetic but will only be the initial spawn for the enemy team-no effect on gameplay (other then spawning). Basically the Spartan team will spawn in various bunkers in order to defend their territories while the Elite team will spawn in and around the Spirit's in order to invade and attack the Spartans ultimately capturing objectives.
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great Idea! Work faster, I want more pictures ;)
  7. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Just added a bunch more pictures, continuing to work on game play and at least two more elements of the map. A crashed UNSC vessel in the middle and the large Spirit at the beach.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Right now each of your mini spirit drop ships costs over $700. You could actually build bigger ones as a lower cost if you use blocks instead of decorative pieces.

    6x50 railings
    7x50 columns
    1x50 teleporter frame
    1x50 shield door
    1x10 doorway
  9. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    I've added even more pictures. I've updated the map with some more goodies including base additions and the addition of the large Spirit dropship I previously posted about. I am currently reworking the entire map due to budget concerns and on that topic Thanks a bunch to pyro6666 I'm going to try and retool the small dropships according to his suggestions. Any other suggestions are very appreciated and thanks again for all the ones so far.
  10. FrankThaTank ST

    FrankThaTank ST Forerunner

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    Budget problem

    I have an idea to fix the problem of short on cash

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