MLG Cynosure

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PulseKiller, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Download Cynosure!

    The Legacy of Cynosure
    Once upon a time, there was a young explored who went by the name PulseKiller. This young adventurous lad one day decided that he wanted to partake in the wonder that was forge. This was back in the olden days, long before the creation of Halo: Reach. This was at a time when boxed were difficult to keep still, and there was not a flat forging ground in sight. However, as the days crept by, a new map came on the horizon. This map was Foundry. Oh the wonders of Foundry! Anything seemed possible. Whenever limitations were discovered, they were made obsolete by techniques such as budget glitching, interlocking, or geomerging. It was heavenly! PulseKiller built and built in this new playground, starting out with horrible messes, but making his way up the ranks. As his forging skills improved, so did his designing skills. He spent countless hours designing map after map, trying to make the perfect design.

    After many months of designing and forging, PulseKiller decided to attempt a very difficult task: he wanted to build an asymmetrical map. PulseKiller went to work, and drew inspiration from the wonder that is Hang 'em High. The map slowly took shape, as PulseKiller drew line after line into Google Sketchup. When the design was finally finished, PulseKiller was relieved. However, this relief would be short lived. Very quickly, PulseKiller discovered that his newly designed map would not be possible to build within Foundry's constraints! Oh what a shame. PulseKiller wept and wept, but soon he was brought hope.

    Shortly after the design was done, a wonderful announcement came from Bungie. They told the public that a new forge space would soon become available. A space so large and wondrous that we forgers would not know what to do with it. This space was Sandbox. In order to get this map as soon as possible, PulseKiller got the legendary edition of Halo Wars. This was a grave time in PulseKiller's life, as that game was complete and utter ******. Since this map was now possible, PulseKiller decided to begin its creation on Sandbox. The map was soon finished, and after some testing, was posted for the masses to see.

    The map quickly got attention, as it was one of the first Sandbox MLG maps released. The popularity grew over time, and PulseKiller made change after change in order to appease the public. The map reached its all time high when it was featured on ForgeHub, and brought with it thousands of downloads. The map was tested at one point for the coveted MLG settings, but sadly failed. This map was known as Cynosure.

    Quickly following the release of Halo: Reach, PulseKiller attempted to forge Cynosure, but due to the different scaling dynamics, he failed. The map was scrapped, and it all but disappeared. PulseKiller released two maps in Cynosure's absence, Leviathan and Affinity, but he had not forgotten about it. Determined to make Cynosure the best it could be, PulseKiller begun forging. He took his time to pick out the perfect location for the map, and eventually decided on building it on the Island. Using the grass for bottom middle and the mountains for a backdrop would provide the perfect setting for the map, and would help get rid of the grey feeling that Forge World maps often possess. After many grueling hours of forge, the map was done. It was not entirely finished however, as testing was still necessary before release.

    PulseKiller tested and tested, making changes along the way to hopefully perfect his map. He received much positive feedback, and was pleased with the state his map was in, so he made up his mind: he would post his map. And so goes the story of Cynosure, and here begins the next chapter in its legacy...

    Camo - Spawns at Red Tower
    Sniper - Spawns at Blue Tower
    Rocket Launcher - Spawns Top Middle (does not spawn at start)



    Blue Team Spawn

    Red Team Spawn

    Sniper Spawn

    Camo Spawn

    Top Middle (Rockets spawn on pedestal)

    Download Cynosure!
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    Wow I'm glad I refreshed my page when I did. I LOVED this map in halo 3. I was just thinking about it the other day. I really pulled a lot of inspiration from this back in the day. I'm happy you remade it. It looks pretty spot on.

    How does it play on compared to the old one? Obviously reach is a very different game but it is a solid design. I'd like to get a few games on this at some point. If you are ever running games send me an invite. Rho Fs

    Looks awesome! I'm excited this got redone


  3. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    The map actually runs a lot better in Reach IMO. The DMR is a much stronger ranged weapon than the Halo 3 BR, and the sprint helps to speed up the pace of the map. Glad that you liked the map as much as you did in Halo 3 and I hope you like it just as much if not more in Reach!
  4. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
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    okay, awesome realistic story, and AMAZING map! I especially like how the middle has grass showing the reaction between the structures and nature. It's also awesome how that one hall in the bottom right corner of the overview has windows to view out of.

    I do have one question: Is the pedestal too high? It would make me VERY mad if I was in a game with rocket launchers and I couldn't reach them. I LOVE rocket launchers! They change the game into a whole new perspective.

    It seems like a great asymmetrical map!
  5. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    The pedestal is at a height so that you can make the jump on MLG settings, and I am fairly certain you can on regular settings too. I am not 100% positive, but I think I tested the height of it while in forge, which would mean it is make able on default settings. If it is too high for regular settings, feel free to move it down a tad.
  6. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    ok great layout on this map ... but u barely used over half of budget this map i feel is lacking decoration the column area could be so much more its just plain and empty with a budget left over like u have those structures could b so epic looking without changing layout i mean what do u have to loose like on lockout the buildings could be plain on top but some are 50 ft. high above level .. all im saying is expand upwards those buildings could be so good they would be compared and talked about forever in the forge community right now its very forgetible...
  7. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would rather my map play well and have no lag than have it look nice but have lag. I have never been one for adding aesthetics when they detract from game play, and due to the openness of this map if I add too much then it lags a ton.

    Also, I had to get the budget under 4k total used for an MLG submission.
  8. AsR Sponsor

    AsR Sponsor Forerunner

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    Bleuprint was hosting the lobby, I pretty sure well before release and we played TS and KOTH. The KOTH game went really well, the slayer game was a bit overpowered near the room base at camo spawn during TS. I hope to see this map more and get more games on it.

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