HelloHelloooo!:happy: Just wanted to post so I got my name clear from the bot list. :haha: I actually just got Live on the first day of the year (kind of symbolic, right?). Just out of a hunch I hadn't tried connecting my Xbox to my brand new computer and I found a tutorial to connect it. I didn't realize it was so simple to just bridge the WiFi to the wired connection. Ever since I got my Xbox about a year or two ago I've been wanting to get Live. Well, I'm three months into my subscription and already I'm a General fairly recently - not too shabby, eh? I like to create maps pretty much all the time. Since I got to General I'm kind of indifferent to MM. I'm producing roughly 5 maps at a time. My main goal is to finish my idea for my Dead Space 1 Chapter 2 (Intensive Care). Right now I'm kind of running into size and resource issues. I always seem to find myself over-sizing my maps for some reason. I work with Photoshop CS5, I'm fluent with Computers and software and what not (I've loved computers since I was 10 and I've taken Networking classes at my High School). This summer my main goal is to produce a Forge Talkshow and Map Viewing where I make new maps, invite lots of people and get their opinions. I am hoping to gain a little recognition for my dedication to Forging. I have so many ideas - I guess that's why I have 5 maps going at once. But, three paragraphs is enough. I don't want to bore you all. Sorry If I did already. Lol. So far I'm extremely satisfied with ForgeHub and what it has to offer. I like to host Custom Games - this site helps with updating the best maps around! Thanks!
You seem to have a lot of activities planned not to mention maps planned. Try to stayed focused and don't get side tracked cause otherwise most of the things you talked about won't ever happen. If your having problems sizing your map, take a stopwatch and time how long it takes to walk the distances in Dead Space (or any game). Then build off of those measurements and you should be good. That's what I do when I remake a map. Oh, and welcome to forgehub!
When designing levels, size and porportions is one of the major things that can get you. Its either too small or to big. A good indication that your map is too big, is when it takes really long time to treverse the map. Even if you are in a fight right. A good suggestion has already been made, timing. Another is to actually hop in to the map in first person and pretend you are playing the map appropriately. IF you feel areas are too big. Size it down. Too small, Size it up. When you map has its basic geometry, and its fairly build (not worried about looks) then grab a bunch of friends and play it. Get their opinion and have your own. Its better to have a pair of fresh eyes look at something than you to see it all by yourself. Welcome to Forgehub. **** just got sarcastically serious.
Thanks for the welcome. I think the timing is a good idea, but, the running/walking in DS is a bit slower. I'm not sure if it will work. I tried to build the tram station behind the spawn, but, holy crap it took up half my budget. It was a shame to get rid of it. :/