-Iron Man- Slayer, very fun casual gametype with very few people. Stats 300% Speed, 300% Jump Height, 75% Gravity(Changed from 50%), 1000% Damage Resistance 1.5 Overshield, 150% Damage/Melee Modifier, No Shield Recharge 110% Health Recharge, Immune to Assassination, Unlimited Ammo(NOT bottomless clip) No Weapon Pickup Equipment 1.) Fuel Rod Gun, Spartan Laser, 4x Plasma, Unlimited Jet Pack 2.) Fuel Rod Gun, Focus Rifle, 4x Plasma, Unlimited Jet Pack Recommended Default/DLC Maps Maps should be HUGE! Boneyard- Best Hemorrhage- Not so good Spire- Pretty good Tempest- Pretty Good Breakpoint- Not so good Highlands- Good Screenshot 1 Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Info Great gametype for messing around with a friend. When six players, change teams to "Enabled" Most fun with 2-4 people with a mic. Could be a good action sack gametype. Currently working on a map made for Iron Man, should be good. Custom powerup is a shield recharger.
Sounds pretty fun. Still it would be great to have a few screenshots or a video showing how the gametype is played.
Screenshots I haven't played a game in a long time so I don't have screenshots. If you'd want to "Star"in a screenshot or just want to play it, message me on LIVE.