It's kind of funny. THis is my third map posted today (Merged, Messiah, and now this). I didn't get as great of reviews as I was hoping for for the other two maps, so I figured I'd post a map my friends loved that I made months ago. I redesigned a map that the Forgehub community HATED called Apparatus. I follows the same main concept, a great Slayer map centered around a giant crane, as you will see in the pics. The weapons are the following: 3 DMRs 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Spartan Laser 1 Energy Sword 3 needle Rifles 1 Overshield NO VEHICLES
the map This map is way to open but it is a good map try adding more structers to block the sight of vantage points.
First that never ending brige to nowhere needs to go. Next there need to be more more over in some less in others. Vehicle need to drive (are there any) human need to hide. The overshield is not only is placed in weirdest place know to man kind but it should not be there at all.
How does the bridge lead to "nowhere"? It clearly links one side to the other. Second, the overshield is in a spot that is hard to get to, so no one easily gets to it. It is a reward for those who can climb the stone arc and get to the crane. The map is centered around the crane, so I beleve it is a GREAT idea to have the map centered around a hard to get to overshield. I wil make a v2 with more cover. Look forward to it!
Overshields aren't supposed to be hard to get to. Everything other than the middle bridge is very uncreative and in the most random spots. The bridge looks amazing and clean, but the rest of the map just doesn't fit in with it. 4.2/10.