
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vandelay16, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Vandelay16

    Vandelay16 Ancient

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    Howdy guys, This is my first map feedback thread so bare with me.

    My map is called Fissure. I came up with this name thanks to a thesaurus.
    Pit = hole = fissure at least that's how I see it

    Anyway, the map should feel very familiar to The Pit, as it was heavily influenced by it. Almost the same weapon scheme and layout.

    For now the map only supports Slayer and CTF

    The reason for making this map was because I had made a Pit remake but it suffered majorly from frame rate issues. As is the case for a lot of the other remakes I have seen. They either have bad frame rates or just don't play the same.

    So instead of remaking it I decided to re-imagine it.

    Blue Loadout Cam
    Red Loadout Cam
    Blue Base 1
    Blue Base 2
    Red Base 1
    Red Base 2
    Middle Bridge
    Back Blue
    Back Red
    Rocket Hall

    Youtube - Fissure flythrough

    I welcome all feedback, good and bad. I need to know if weapon balance sucks, spawns suck, or maybe you think it just sucks in general. Please, I want you to try and break my map.

    *for people who need clarification, this is not a remake, it's like a spiritual successor*

    Download Fissure

    Thank you.
    #1 Vandelay16, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  2. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    Uhh first off I noticed two nades by a shotty.... And all your weapons are close to nades and health which destroys the incentive to move around the map... So yes you need some work...
  3. Vandelay16

    Vandelay16 Ancient

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    Well I tried to replicate The Pit's weapon layout and I thought it worked well. I guess I could move things but I don't see how it destroys map movement.
  4. jpeazer

    jpeazer Forerunner

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    i for one really dont think the weapon placements are bad. plus having grenades near persion weapons isnt that bad. by the way i really like the map.
  5. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The middle is inaccurate really inaccurate, the map is wider that original pit the map also look very different from it to. I suggest next compare side by from the real pit. Remakes from memory are very accurate. And yes the weapon setup needs work too.
  6. Vandelay16

    Vandelay16 Ancient

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    It's NOT a remake, it's intended to be a spiritual successor, read the whole thing next time.
  7. J HaDlEy 616

    J HaDlEy 616 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like how it kinda echoes the Pit but with a whole new design. I personally like the middle section, it's not accurate to the original Pit ofcourse but it's a great change. The only thing i'd criticise is the sword area, and it's not much but I think you could have done a bit more with the space. Alround awesome though. I'm actually making a map that is a semi-remake of the Pit aswell, reflecting key feature of it whilst changing and adding in my own. Seeing this just gets me itching to finish it quicker lol.
  8. Vandelay16

    Vandelay16 Ancient

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    Thank you kindly, the sword room is the main thing I plan to change in v2. I hope your map goes well and you post it here.
  9. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Right read most of the post did not see that though, but are a couple of real suggestions. The ramp in the middle section have a really big bumb that make walking on to it annoying and stops my grenades, I suggest smoothing it out. Also the flooring right behind the sword is z fighting pretty bad.
  10. Vandelay16

    Vandelay16 Ancient

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    I will look into that ramp, and I plan on making changes to the sword room. Thanks for the feedback.

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