Alright, I've finally got one. The weird thing: this entire dream played out as if it were a movie. Last night, I had a dream. In it, I woke up to a strange world, where society had seemingly broken down into chaos. Apparently what had happened was that over the years people had become so addicted to technology that they never bothered to go outside. As technology quickly developed, there was no longer any need to go outside; everyone had everything they ever needed inside. Everyone lived in completely sterile environments, and so, over the years, became slowly more susceptible to germs, bacterium and disease. Even something as simple as the common cold could cause an outbreak, as people hadn't had to deal with such a thing for quite some time. Eventually, the inevitable happened, and the people that chose to live outside were separated and quarantined from everyone else for fear of spreading disease. Society starts to break down, and no one is able to get a job without first getting sterilized/ passing numerous exams. If you were deemed unfit, you would have to find your own place to sleep inside a large community quarantine shelter. Eventually, the people got angry, revolted, and forced their way outside, where everyone suddenly got hit in the face with a dose of reality. Life begins to go back to normal, slowly being rebuilt; everyone doesn't worry so much about minor injuries. The dream ends with kids being allowed to be kids again; some of them are having fun chasing each other with guns. End. Interpret THAT.
I had this dream a few nights ago, and am still having trouble comprehending it, the only reason I find it important is that it was a few days ago, and I can still remember the final details of the dream perfectly. In my research I found that dreams that are frightening are more memorable, but what is strange is, this dream isn't frightening at all, at least, I didn't feel frightened when dreaming, or when waking up. Anyway. I am in my basement, watching TV, seemingly normal, and then randomly I smoke out of my tobacco pipe (weed I assume, although the effects are strange, I'll explain) almost immediately afterward (this will be hard to explain) the TV becomes almost two TV's, to avoid xzibit or inception jokes I'm make them now, it was like I was watching TV within the TV, but it was the same thing, like when I moved or changed perspective, it seemed like I was peering into the TV which then projected the image. Although this part is insignificant. Soon I feel the urge to go to the bathroom, I don't think it was to relieve myself, because I cannot recall ever actually using the toilet. I appeared in the bathroom almost instantaneously, but was walking slowly, as if getting off the couch led me directly into the bathroom. I look into my shower and there was a floral print couch. I actually remember looking at it, and thinking that I was glad my mother put a couch in my shower, because it would be so comfortable. Now I'll need to give some backstory to my own life to explain the next part. Whenever I smoke, I like to look in a mirror to see what my eyes look like, to see how the weed is affecting my overall appearance. I don't know why I do this, it just interests me, because I'm not just interested in the mental effects it has on me, but the physical effects. Now back on topic. When I approach the mirror to look at my eyes, I discover that I can barely peer into the mirror, as it is too high up. It's at this point I realize I'm once again a child. I was still interested in seeing how I looked so I just decided to grow up (in the dream, this seemed completely normal, as do normal dream situations). I rapidly grow into my current self (beard and everything, I could see it grow on my face), all within this time I can see my previous self, instantaneously as well as gradually appear, as if I'm viewing my life until that point in the fourth dimension. I wake up as soon as I start looking into my eyes. I believe in the subconscious' projections through dreams to convey a message, but I could not find anything for this. Stuff for children seemed to reference wanting to go to purity, but whenever I looked up aging, it was for much older versions of oneself. I do not care about the beginning part as much, but am very interested in the fourth dimensional view, as it is very strange.
Aiight. This pretty much starts off from what I can remember; I'm sure there was more to this dream that happened before. Soundless. I walk down a urban-suburban road. The late afternoon plays down a dim orange light on the houses and buildings I walk past. Then, I see several grotesque, skeletal creatures emerge out of a decrepit old house, each pallid grey head pitted with four burning yellow lanterns of eyes. They glare at me, murderously, for what? I don't know. They do. Then the house and its lot and all of those miserable creatures convects upon itself like a fountain of water. Solid ground becomes liquid. The decrepit structure collapses, as if imploded; it folds upon itself. The land turns over and becomes fire-streaked lava. Shrieks and terrible cries of pain and suffering, but they are the good kind, for the evil (I know it to be evil, but I do not know of what nature) is dying. The lava cools. Black mounds of rock form a hill. On the top, I can see, just barely, the top of a white picket fence. Behind, a house. A pool. I can see the windowsill of a bedroom looking down. So I climb up. It is excruciatingly laborious - I can only tell by watching my exertions; I have no capability of physical sense. Finally, I reach the fence. There's no obvious door. I try to sneak over, but I cannot reach the top of it to climb over. I look around. The hill has flattened into a garage. I am not astonished, like this is a natural occurrence. Several people have also seemed to have popped into existence. I am also not astonished by this. There are girls and boys, all around my age. Their faces were very distinct, yet I can't place them as any people I know in real life. Still, I call out to them. In the dream, I know them. They are not my close friends, not close enough that I can confess to them my true thoughts, but I have met them recently and have found them to be suitable enough to talk to, even if only half-faced. So in a way, they are like every single one of my real life friends. Together, we climb the fence. Some give boosts to other people. Others are tall enough to reach the other side and help pull people over. But I try with every one of my friends, and I cannot make the other side. I am left alone.
Grif may have bitten off more than he can chew right here Anyway, now going to bed, so... reserved for whatever I dream about next
I consistently have dreams about myself or those I care about being killed/dying. Is this a sign or something ?
Maybe it's a premonition? Are you worried that you do not play a supporting role enough in first person shooters?
I do not usually play first person shooters anymore. I actually spend very little time now playing xbox, the only reason my xbox really gets turned on anymore is to watch netflix.