Trench Battlefield 12-16 players Welcome to the battlefield soldier! Trench Battlefield is a fairly large map with 6 trenches (territories) that players can capture and use for cover. Using the custom gametype "Trench Warfare" is recommended. However, Team Slayer can also be played on this map. Perfect for any TGIF lobby or playlist. The goal is quite simple. Both teams must progress through the battlefield to capture territories. Each territory captured means more points flowing into the team's overall score. The game goes for 10 minutes and the team with the most points wins. Players cannot pick up any weapons to encourage class use. But if inside a territory, the player then has unlimited ammo, this can give an extra clip to anyone who may have run dry out of ammo. Players can choose from a variety of classes: Infiltrator Weapons: Assault Rifle, Magnum, 2x Frag Equipment: Sprint Strategy: Best used for rushing and assaulting enemy trenches from above ground. Security Weapons: Shotgun, Magnum, 2x Frag Equipment: Drop Shield Strategy: Best for defending any trench. Also great against the demolition class. Assassin Weapons: Energy Sword, Magnum Equipment: Active Camo Strategy: Great class for any stealth mission. Sneak into trenches without being seen. Sharpshooter Weapons: DMR, Magnum, 1x Frag Equipment: None Strategy: Best used for attacking enemies from a distance. Demolitions Weapons: Grenade Launcher, Magnum, 2x Plasma Equipment: Hologram Strategy: Great class for defending and assaulting in the underground tunnel. Players can also use the enviroment for defending certain trenches and devestating opposing teammates. Each base has 2 stationary revenants and 1 stationary wraith that can be used for artillery. Each base also has two turrets that are built for the player protection, and can also put the player into a 1st person view. Here is a gameplay video of what to expect: YouTube - Halo Reach Forge- "Trench Battlefield" Credits: Big thanks to Holaman x for encouraging me to make this map, and Oakley HiDef for helping me brainstorm map designs. Also I would like to thank everyone who helped me test this, couldn't have done it without you =)
Love this map, but recommend that you add more underground routes it just seems to open n top and impossible for either to win unless with brute force. Still very fun though!
Actually I already tested that. I used to have two long tunnels that each connected to different trenches. However this caused players to be too spread apart and ruined the battlefield experience. I actually had a video from way back then that demonstrates what I mean: Spoiler [bungievid]13419424[/bungievid]
Lol, I kinda like the first one. I mean if you could maybe shorten the tunnel or create a whole inter cit maze like tunnels leading from one spot to another that would also be great to see, but yes I do agree in a way it does seem to ruin the whole REAL fighting aspect to the game so yes in a way I agree. In my case though I just feel like its to open. Still great map and well worth my time to download!
No, I did not. They seem to be working for me. I'm not sure why its not working for you. Try looking in my file share and see if it works there.
Wow what can I say but amazing. It seems like you took the perfect amount of time to make this map gameplay and aesthetically worthy. This map in my eyes gives you the whole war feeling. From the trenches (of course), and such vehicles i hope to resemble catapults or cannons of some sort. But anyway the real detail that caught my eye was tunnel. The tunnel looks spectacular and you topped it off by making it seem as it was infused with the opposing trenches in the middle area. I great game no the less and Im sure with a good amount of people it will blow peoples minds away. From what I can tell is it is a total war scenario complete with everything. To make it more realistic my suggestions are to make some sort of day/night cycle, and more scenery such as mortar holes that have been made along the battle field. Great job, you took and somewhat popular game from Halo 3 and turned it into you own with new and improved enhancements.
Nice aesthetics and a great idea...the map looks like fun and I think Ive played a map like this before that play very well...also I love the addition of the underground area...
We just tested this the other night; I'm in the video - Awesome. Anyway, I did mention the issues I had with the map. The amount of artillery and defensive weaponry at each base if far too much. Two turrets, a wraith, and one revenant is overkill. What I liked about the H3 version is that it was a back and forth struggle. Not only that, but the way it was designed, you couldn't choose your class, which forced the variety, a necessary component of the game, into every battle. In this version not only can you choose the classes, but the defensive weaponry makes it pretty much impossible to capture more than 4 territories at any given time. In my opinion, that's the biggest downfall of the map. You spawn, and are forced to make your way to the center, and the only thing stopping you from doing so is an occasional artillery strike, or an individual with a DMR. Aside from that, the tunnel is far too overused. One possibility would be to put a soft-kill in there, to mimic the effects of the gasses used in WWI. I don't remember a single incident in the game where someone walked on top between those trenches. Alternatively, you could incorporate a CPU and power weapon in the middle, maybe even oversheilds. On a related note, the landmines in the middle only hinder movement through that area. The reason that the sole use of the tunnel is an issue is, as I stated before, because it puts the teams at a stalemate, occasionally capturing the other territory, but never moving further. It can be most accurately compared to Thermopylae, which, as a tactic is fine, but that rarely translates well to gameplay. Something needs to be done to promote movement across the middle area. It would make it much easier to capture the 4th territory in line, meaning the team can move forward much easier which aids in the back and forth gameplay, ultimately putting more re-playability into the game. The final suggestion would be to, at the very least, remove one of the revnants. Ideally, I'd say remove both, which would give the Wraith operator a sense of purpose in the game; a position of vital importance as a last defense against an onrushing team. If you do this, I'd suggest making the revenant spots into long-range towers. They could still be used for defense, just not as overpowered. Don't get me wrong, this is the best remake I've seen to the H3 version, with some added bonuses, but it seems as if in many cases you overdid it (if it isn't a remake, it plays similarly, so I'll always consider it a successor). It's good, but I could see it being much better without working too hard on the changes.
Man, im lovin it. I haven't downloaded the map yet but I can tell its a blast. Ive never seen a Halo Reach game close to actual warfare. I tried to make something similar to this but I never succeeded. You sir, have succeeded. Ill edit this post once I get a fair game on this.
Reply to Plasma Blades: I do agree maybe the DMR could be somewhat the main weapon and Artillery can be overkill. But everything is unpredictable. Skill and teamwork can suddenly turn your team upside down and the other team could be breathing down your neck at the doors of your base. If a person has great aim with the wraith, he can destroy the other team's artillery in a flash and wipe out an entire team. A stealthy player can easily slip into your 1st trench and change the game's outcome dramatically. Here is a video I just took an hour ago in my custom lobby of what can happen when a team works together. Spoiler [bungievid]15422262[/bungievid]
This game was fun and is a step up from the older versions of trechwarfare seen before in halo reach. This one boasts greater aesthetics and has really made trenches a significant aspect in the battle as opposed to small indents seen in some previous maps. Ive played many games on this and have to say it can be both very epic and fun with 16 players going at it. I do agree with Plasma Blades however that the center tunnel is a bit over used. It might be better if there were two tunnels at either edge of the middle section. Other than that I have seen teams push up all the way across the map so fears of a stalemate are slightly overstated. My only issue might be the dmr. A player can really camp with this weapon and it can get a bit frustrating being constantly hit while out in the open. Maybe to fix this only give each team one of these which can be picked up using a custom powerup. Another addition might be to add some smaller trenches beteen the main ones to break up the open terrain that often gets players killed. Great map Darth, love playing on this
I've played it with a few people and we really enjoyed it, the map gives a feeling of war that is unique to your map. The loadout are all usefull, and have their cons/pros, great job doing them. The only thing I dislike, is the DMR when you are playing in splitscreen. The ennemy DMR are very annoying since they can see and shoot you crossmap, but you can't see them because you are in splitscreen and the game does not render people over the middle trench. That was the only thing I've dislike.
I think both versions of the map are amazing! But I uderstand why u had to get rid of those extra tunnels it did get away from the battlefield experience. Anyway i love how u set up the wraiths and the revnants to simulate mortars and the capture points are put in spots where both teams can dominate, but can still lose by one capture point. Only suggestion I have is maybe put a little bit more of barriers on the top. Awesome map though!
I just want to let you know that last night I played this with a full party of 16 and it ROCKED! This is an amazing map and almost everything is completely balanced. The only complaint I have is the fact that the sword/camo class is a bit to powerfull. Just a bit though. I dont think you really need to change anything about this map though. 10/10
Darth human, this map plays beautifully. I've hosted many custom lobbies, and this is one of my favorite maps to play with a large party. Loadouts The loadouts are balanced and offer plenty of variety; each loadout suited for a different type of player and encounter. I myself am not skilled with the dmr, But I love using the pro pipe and hologram, the loadout takes alot of strategy, timing and deception, and I love it. my friends who play swat often, use the marksman loadout and offer good support when rushers(such as myself) are rushing etc...The balance of the loadouts gives me a feel of rock paper scissors. Map Flow The classic WWI style trench layout encourages linear movement towards the opposing side. the back trenches offers cover for marksmen. the artillery is difficult to aim but gives covering fire to keep the enemy team at bay. the tunnel is a nice addition that adds a new level of flanking and trench rushing. Summary Overall this map is very fun to play, and I love the aesthetics. this will be played in my lobbies for months to come.
necro? but i honestly cannot believe that i have seen this post before and not downloaded the map. this is one of the few maps i can put on at anytime during TGIF and noone will complain. the idea is simply, the map is clean and the concept is amazing
This was one of the funnest maps to play on in a long time. I agree that additional underground paths may be useful, or some obstacles above ground, like rocks. But it is very fun to play - a keeper...
We played a game of this at TGIF last night. You know, I always loved this game from Halo 3, and it was still pretty great in Reach. There was a good balance in the AAs, and I do like the idea of disabling weapon pickup so you can't get good AAs with matching weapons. It was just pure chaos. Odd thing, though- when we were playing, the other teams' Wraith was hitting ours to the point that you could drive it and all, but it literally had no gun to shoot with.