This map has been removed from my file share due to epic phail. This is a open map for team engagement. It has two bases and a gazebo in the middle, it works with all gametypes. There are many great aesthetic features. Over view Top Base 1 Base 2 No you can't get the candy.
wow i love the map it looks really cool but maybe you could add some more stuff looks a lil empty 3.5/5
I like the merry go round... what no ferris wheel? Very nice idea but I dunno how it will play without much cover.
That gazebo is perfect. But the rest of the map is kind of bare. You've got the perfect centerpiece for your map, maybe you could surround it with other buildings that you'd normally see in a town center, stuff that's easily identifiable. Like maybe a clock tower, or a row of small stores, or maybe even a statue. Also, if you put weapon holders on top of your barrel pillars they won't fall over as easily.
like some1 said above the gazebo is great and would make a great centerpiece for a map with more cover and surrounding things. So good concept but needs work.