Remake Ghost Town

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Ghost Town '74

    Version 1.1: fixed a couple of blotched kill zones and fixed inaccurate doors from mid building to the ridge side.


    YouTube - The Specials - Ghost Town

    Well this is a remake. Hi, by the way. It's a remake of a beloved map from the Legendary Map Pack for Halo 3, known as Ghost Town. I remember a certain contest that Forge Hub hosted a few months ago that I was unfortunately unable to participate in, that was for forging remakes of old Halo maps. Well guys, I was really impressed with many of the submissions to that contest. I saw at least one very high quality (imo) rendition of each map that seemed obviously appropriate for Forge World remake. Except one, strangely enough.

    Ghost Town seems to me to be as ripe for the remake picking as any map in the Halo series, yet I haven't seen it done for some reason. Having finished the map, I don't feel like it was a particularly difficult map to remake. The terrain is generally flat at ground level (except one ditch near blue base that I was able to work in), and it's just a 4-wall box with some buildings. Some parts were rather intimidating, but I think I found some way to incorporate just about every aspect of Ghost Town that I possibly could, to include many of the key aesthetic features (remember the square trees? no?).

    A rather important note about the map: Overall, my remake is slightly smaller than the source material. It's nicely proportionate, but everything has shrunk a bit, as it were. Considering the movement differences between Reach and H3, this isn't bad. But in my tests, I felt that 8 players was about the most it could handle well. So keep that in mind and if you want my advice, don't load it up in big parties. 4v4 still feels great, but don't push it, lol.

    Pro Tip: Try using the game variants featured in the Classic Playlist in matchmaking to make the jumps feel like they used to back in the day. Here is a useful source for some Pred-approved, intelligently-tweaked versions of these game variants.

    Screen Shots.









    Rocket spawn:

    Sniper spawn:




    OK Thanks one more time, everyone :)
    #1 Indie Anthias, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Wow this looks amazing. I really loved ghost town and I am especially loving the look of this remake. When I get the chance Ill give this map a go with a party of 8 and see how well it compares the original.
    The only gripe I have, and its probably not possible to anything about, but wheres the giant tree growing inside the glass house? :O

    Again, great looking map. Very well forged with the objects available to you!
  3. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, got my download.
    You seem to have missed the giant tree in that room (6th comparison pic in the spoilers). However, thats just asthetics and I doubt it'd be that much of a change, perhaps using rocks though?

    either way; terrific remake, got my download, very good and keep up the good work
  4. orvidon

    orvidon Forerunner

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    I bookmarked this map to my browser. It is very close to the original, besides the unchangeable colors! I also like the clever use of the bridge in the first picture, as well as the sniper building (GLASS!) However, the ramp in that same building, I think, should look more ruined, like the original, but hey, it's your map, not mine!
  5. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    very good remake 90% looks like ghost town, very good job
    i can see you put effort into the map and putting all the pic in the post
    nice job wanted to see ghost town's remake!!
    #5 Madpond, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, this is the first re-make of GT I've seen. This looks almost completely Identical. It really looks like you tried to get every detail spot on. I know it can't be perfect seeing as it's forge, but man did you do a great job on this. The attention to detail is outstanding and I really like that grassy rock hill you put in. Good work man.
  7. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map was a pleasure to test. its great to see such a good remake of Ghost Town. When people consider remaking old maps in Reach, I think Ghost Town is one of the last ones that pop into their heads, but good thing it popped into yours! Great job man.
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I really enjoyed the games I played on this map

    The fact that it is slightly smaller helps ramp up the pace improving gameplay and the con rifle works well near the smaller areas and the addition of aa's really improve the variation

    I was never a big fan of ghost town first time around and I really like this one so if you were a a ghost town fan you will love it

    Damn fine work!

    Also good call on embedding the specials!!
  9. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    Oh hey, i got a test on this. It's a nice remake of it, I played like i did back on the H3 map. Sadly the camo didn't work like it used to :( The only area i didn't go into (cuz i never did) was the cave sorta thing near rockets, so idk what it looks like. But, yes, it was fun playing on this, and would like to do it again. Great job!
  10. masteryo66

    masteryo66 Ancient
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    Finallly a remake of Ghost Town !!
    The map looks like the original map from H3. Very aesthetic. You've even kept the cones::!! Can`t wait to play team sniper on this map like the old H3 days!!

    Good Job !
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Pred, I have to say it. I love you.

    This was always battling Guardian for my favorite map of all time. I really was proud of what I had build, but when it fell prey to that glitch and I had to start over, I really didn't have the drive to do it all again. However, after seeing what you've done, I feel really good that I didn't bother, because you did the map incredible amounts of justice. Thanks man.

    I can't wait to get some more incredible games in on this. <3
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Silence's pick for the week of 3/20-3/27
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Lol! I remember checking this out one late night... I think I might've been half-way-drunk as well... >.> But for the life of me I couldn't put together what map this was. xD

    Anywho! This does in fact remind me a whole lot of Ghost Town. Very lovely remake pred. Though, I feel like it could use some more trees. So imma give ur map a 2/5. kthxbai.

    Heh, on a more serious note, I haven't got a game on it, but I'd love to. So send me an inv sometime and maybe we can do so?
  14. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Wow, digging the response. <3.

    I searched around Forge World for a tree. I had this glimmer of hope that there could be a place that even had 4 trees, all the right distance apart, but I would have been happy if I found even one tree with suitable surrounding terrain.

    But I didn't find such a place, all the trees have hills and cliffs that I didn't like. In the end I really had no option but to use the Quarry for it's flatness and size. It's oriented such that the one ditch that goes below ground level is on the end of the map that hangs off the cliff. Lacking trees in the forge pallet, I did the best I could.

    @Zeke- omg I love the Specials.

    @TSB- thanks and your suggestion to put the Drop Shield only was a perfect solution to the equipment treatment.

    Honestly when you mentioned that you had one on the way I was fully happy to let this project go. I just wanted to see one made, didn't care to have my name on it just so long as it got done. Too bad about the buggy game, yours would undoubtedly been the definitive version.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I got a game in. I slipped it into the party that was testing the maps that are gonna be in the Classic Playlist. They all loved it, and were disappointed to find out that I had only slipped it in and it wouldn't be a part of the playlist. Overall response was love, even from people who didn't really care for Ghost Town.

    I myself found it to feel pretty much just like it. The gametype that is used for classic made it feel a little too chaotic at times because of the 120% speed, but I can still make a tweak on that whenever I load it up for customs. Overall, great job. Now, onto some more classics. Go!
  16. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    You map == Ghost Town. This is really such a close remake that I thought I was looking at H3 (Except for the grey). Everything looks so much like it, that it just blew my mind. I am planning on actually playing this tomorrow after school and such. I always thought that this, and a few others, would be impossible to remake in Reach due to geometry, but you pulled it off. I am really interested in the middle building and the back pipes (idk if you actually have them, my iPod doesn't load all the pics). Just such a good job, and I hope to see more.
  17. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    so I downloaded this map in the spirit of the new play list that is coming out, It took all of 30 seconds to realize where i was. Yes it is a little smaller but as you said< if you play with the classic settings it has a better feel

    ascetics - 7 /10
    originality - remake 8 /10
    playability - 8 / 10

    keep em coming man.
  18. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Version 1.1 is now up. There were a couple of blotched kill zones that have now been smoothed over, and the two doors from the mid building with the crashed floor to the Drop Shield bridge are now significantly more accurate. This improved the outside as well as giving both floors more room, which they needed.

    1000+ downloads down the drain, lol
    #18 Indie Anthias, Mar 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  19. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Pictures aren't working :(
  20. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    -second photobucket account created and I've got them back up (most of them...)
    #20 Indie Anthias, Mar 26, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2011

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